Actually Sofia

One of the few scenes that made me draw everything else in this chapter haha Enjoy! Next page: Next next page: I hope you guys are keeping warm. I was, but still got sick this week since my husband brought something from work. Still, it wasn’t bad enough to stop me from drawing, […]

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In his hands

Congratulations on your new relationship, Sofia. Next page: Next next page: I’m not going to write much since I’m dead tired. A good friend of mine lost her cat yesterday (got startled, slipped out from the leash, dashed away) and we spent most of the day today hanging ~100 posters, asking around, creating […]

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The man she needs

Sofia doesn’t have enough experience with apparitions to know that you should not indulge them. Next page: Next next page: Welcome in 2024! As you have probably heard Japan had a rough start this year, with a terrible earthquake in Noto area (and subsequent tsunamis, and fire, and landslides). I live in Tokyo […]

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Familiar voice

Uh huh. Next page: Next next page: I’ll be brief because I still want to pain some and it’s already late and there’s work tomorrow aaaa So I finished Wyrd Sisters which were as good as one would expect. I picked up A Murder of Mages (as an audiobook) and it’s good? A […]

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Something for the ache

If only some herbs could fix this silly cat. Next page: Next next page: Not much has changed. I’m still buying and putting together furniture for the new apartment, trying to survive work, and whining that I want to do my hobbies instead of everything else. Thankfully I think we at this point […]

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The point

Very entertaining discussions under those latest pages! I’m glad you guys find this development interesting haha Next page: Next next page: I’m stressed and tired so I’ll just stop this page and go chill before my weekend ends. I’m going to be like this until I actually buy and move to the new […]

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Safe to say, she didn’t imagine THAT. Next page: Next next page: I’m very busy lately. We signed a contract for an apartment and are trying to figure out the loan now. There’s little time to do everything because I’m going to Poland in September aaaaaa! Anyway, I finished listening to One Dark […]

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Cold one it is

Well. Maybe next time, then?… Next page: Next next page: Yumi and the Nightmare Painter had a nice ending until there was an epilogue and it just uprooted the whole thing. So I ended it with mixed feelings but mostly disappointed. I liked the ideas and pretty much nothing else. I started listening […]

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Look at me

Is it too late to say that this page is probably NSFW? It’s NSFW. Next page: Next next page: Well, then. This is probably the most nudity you’ll see in this comic. I guess butts are still PG13 nowadays? I dunno. Close your eyes if you’ve never seen a butt before, or something. […]

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Well well well… Next page: Next next page: Okay so, first thing first, a friend of mine is publishing a comic book, so please take a look and maybe preorder? If you can? If you like comics? A beautifully drawn and well written ones especially? It’s autobiographical and super-interesting since, well, my friend […]

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Japan photo blog

If you are curious about my travels (well, those to Japan at least) check out my photo blog on Tumblr! Plenty of amateurish, inspirational pictures from multiple trips.

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Digital painting tutorials by NotImportant. Completely free and for everyone who wish to learn - basic drawing tutorials, advanced digital paintings, videos, steps and tips!

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