Nina the nurse

She not half-bad, for her first time. Next page: Next next page: I managed to actually move forward with my writing a little bit, so I’m going to be brief and get back to it. Maybe I can squeeze out a couple hundred words more before the day ends… I actually got a […]

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Actually Sofia

One of the few scenes that made me draw everything else in this chapter haha Enjoy! Next page: Next next page: I hope you guys are keeping warm. I was, but still got sick this week since my husband brought something from work. Still, it wasn’t bad enough to stop me from drawing, […]

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Next page: Next next page: Just going to drop the page and disappear since it’s late. Hope you like it!

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Kids talk

Don’t worry, Sofia will be back in a moment. Next page: Next next page: Really short, because I had a tiring weekend and now I’m terrified that I need to go to work tomorrow BUT! The kitty was found! So my friend actually ended up hiring a professional pet detective (apparently it’s a […]

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Cold shower

UPDATE: No page this week as I got covid, sorry! Next projected update: 7/10 —– Aaaand time for a new scene. It’s Sofia time! Next page: Next next page: I’ll be brief because I had a very busy weekend hiking and looking at apartments (yes, I’m looking for something to maybe buy and […]

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Can’t wait to meet those guys, eh? Next page: Next next page: I hope everyone is well! Not much happened last week. I’m still reading The Book Eaters and honestly, I expected this book to be worse? I guess I read too many negative opinions on Goodreads. The idea itself is ridiculous but […]

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A little sus

When you barely survive and feel like someone else doing the same is a stretch. Next page: Next next page: Hey everyone! Seems like you guys enjoyed learning a bit more about the magic. I was happy reading the comments on Discord and Twitter <3 We’ll briefly discuss some other things so get […]

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I’m still alive! Next page: Next next page: I survived covid. It wasn’t so bad with all those vaccines I took, although I’m still coughing and getting short of breath, so that’s not cool. Especially not when you’re trying to lead a meeting. Hopefully it goes away soon. What’s new… I think I’m […]

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UPDATE: I got covid :’) Very likely there will be no page next week, sorry about that. —————————————————————————————- Aaaaaa it’s late and I haven’t written anything today yet!!! Next page: Next next page:  

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No buts

Aaaand to see more you can maybe support Replay on Patreon: Next page: Next next page: I actually have nothing super interesting to report! This month felt so short. I started coming to the office again and it really impacts my writing output… I will not be able to clear Nanowrimo this year, […]

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Japan photo blog

If you are curious about my travels (well, those to Japan at least) check out my photo blog on Tumblr! Plenty of amateurish, inspirational pictures from multiple trips.

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Digital painting tutorials by NotImportant. Completely free and for everyone who wish to learn - basic drawing tutorials, advanced digital paintings, videos, steps and tips!

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