Working on that purity

A new scene! And a beautiful waterfall which I actually made from AI-generated backgrounds. Now I’ll need to draw it on every panel from now on hahah This is how you force yourself to practice xD Next page: Next page: It’s actually hard to type because I played Beat Saber too much, so […]

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And that’s that for this scene. I promise we’ll see those knives again~ Next page: Next next page: This weekend flew by too fast!!! I ended up not drawing at all, so my illustration with Sofia is still not done :C You can see a WIP if you’re Replay’s patron HERE. It’s stressful […]

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Sharp senses

He knows. Next page: Next next page: Hey everyone! I hope you’re doing good. I’m so-so, since right before my work started calming down, my fiance’s workplace announced layoffs and there was more stress than I’d have liked in those last few days. We’re both okay though (still employed) but I’m an anxious […]

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Some people complained about the previous page since it wasn’t clear why Robert would be running back to the tent. Not sure if this page makes it clearer… Let me know! Also, you might notice that the quality here is kind of wonky. I drew this page when I was in Okinawa, so you can […]

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Well, then. Next page: Next next page: I’m super tired guys because I had an awful week at work. We were launching a huge feature and I was the oncall support for any issues. So lots of stress and leadership freaking out over every issue-but-not-really-an-issue-it-just-looked-like-an-issue-for-a-sec.  I haven’t even done any reading this week! […]

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Witch at work

Hey guys! 50th page of this chapter and a nice moment for a full-page! Enjoy! Next page: Next next page: I think I’ll take a week-long break after all. I drew a page last week but the table here (I’m not home) is hurting my shoulder + I need to work next week […]

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Budding friendship

They’re gonna be besties in no time. Next page: Next next page: I’m traveling! Currently exploring Ishigaki – a small island in Okinawa prefecture of Japan. I find tropical climate pretty deadly so February seemed like a good month to visit. It’s lovely here! Also currently way cheaper than going abroad HAHAHA I […]

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Witch at work

She doesn’t know when to give up. Just like Rob. Next page: Next next page: In case you missed the info from discord, I made some AI-based sketches with Ada. In case you needed an excuse to support Replay, you can throw a $1 at me and enjoy these 3 AI-supported drawings of […]

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Finally alone?

Not so alone, huh. Next page: Next next page: Just got back from a trip so I’m quite tired! It was a good trip and my first time at Chuzenji lake in winter 🙂 Enjoy this week’s page and see you next week!  

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Get out

The queen awoke and she is very grumpy. Next page: Next next page: I hope everyone is well. It was a sad and frustrating weekend for the tech industry with all the layoffs. I had a relatively normal week, thankfully. I listened to Gallant recently and it’s a very well-written little story about […]

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Japan photo blog

If you are curious about my travels (well, those to Japan at least) check out my photo blog on Tumblr! Plenty of amateurish, inspirational pictures from multiple trips.

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Digital painting tutorials by NotImportant. Completely free and for everyone who wish to learn - basic drawing tutorials, advanced digital paintings, videos, steps and tips!

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