Kids talk

Don’t worry, Sofia will be back in a moment. Next page: Next next page: Really short, because I had a tiring weekend and now I’m terrified that I need to go to work tomorrow BUT! The kitty was found! So my friend actually ended up hiring a professional pet detective (apparently it’s a […]

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Queen’s court

There were questions under the last week’s page. I hope this answers some of them 😉 Next page: Next next page: I said the same thing last week, but I’m tired and it’s late so I’ll be brief xD I had the writers’ meetup today so it was a very busy and exciting […]

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Ohhh….? Next page: Next next page: I’m tired today and not much has happened this last week. I actually haven’t even started any new books because I’m stuck beta-reading for the workshop and the writers’ meetup group I attend here in Tokyo. I will probably pick up the second volume of A Little […]

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No nonsense

I don’t like small talk either, and Ada clearly doesn’t watch enough anime – a waterfall is absolutely necessary. Next page: Next next page: Hey everyone! We had some rain while we were on Jeju so I had time (and means – the hotel room actually had a decent desk-thingy) to draw the […]

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Protect from harm

They’re not that different from one another! Next page: Next next page: I’ll be brief since I’m on a trip and very tired after an entire day of walking. We’re also planning to climb a volcano tomorrow so I’ll need to wake up early haha If you’re curious where – Jeju! I actually […]

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Uh oh. Someone is starting to connect the dots. Next page: Next next page: I hope you guys are doing well! I’m excellent, because after 3 more days of work I’m going on vacation! There are long holidays in Japan coming up (called Golden Week) and so with a couple more extra days […]

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Hard choices! Next page: Next next page: I hope you guys are doing well. I’m as usual, I’d say haha It’s just that the usual lately equals stressed and tired. Seriously, two days of weekend are not enough. And I had Tokyo Writers Meetup today so the entire day was just writing, reviewing, […]

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Working on that purity

A new scene! And a beautiful waterfall which I actually made from AI-generated backgrounds. Now I’ll need to draw it on every panel from now on hahah This is how you force yourself to practice xD Next page: Next page: It’s actually hard to type because I played Beat Saber too much, so […]

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Reaching hearts

You caught someone else, Nina dear. Next page: Next next page: I didn’t have much time to do anything this week. I felt like I needed extra sleep, not even sure why. But I had a nice weekend in the mountains (we went hiking!) and even risked an onsen, so I feel like […]

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The old promise

They have a backstory, but it would take me a year to draw it so… maybe as a side-story, one day, when I can quit my job and just make stories for a living lol Next page: Next next page: News! I’ve just finished the second revision of the fantasy story I mentioned […]

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Japan photo blog

If you are curious about my travels (well, those to Japan at least) check out my photo blog on Tumblr! Plenty of amateurish, inspirational pictures from multiple trips.

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Digital painting tutorials by NotImportant. Completely free and for everyone who wish to learn - basic drawing tutorials, advanced digital paintings, videos, steps and tips!

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