Third pentacle of Jupiter

I figured I’d rather upload a page early than think about it tomorrow when I’m flying and stuff! Enjoy! Next page: Next next page: I’m flying to Korea tomorrow and I’m not taking my tablet with me which means I won’t be drawing. It’s usually painful (no good desk to draw on) and […]

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I love writing Filip. Next page: Next next page: I probably made some typos on this page but I’m too tired to see them now haha… I had the writing meetup this weekend and we had lots of submissions so I spent 4 hours practically non-stop critiquing other people’s writing and listening to […]

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Okay, back to the strategy and command center. Next page: Next next page: I got sick last week, but I think I’m finally getting better. Luckily I managed to draw the page before I was too tired to do anything except attempting to work (really didn’t want to lose those previous vacation days […]

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Tripping magic

Julia has outdone herself. I think this is the first time we see her actually do any magic…? Next page: Next next page: I’m still behind on anything and everything but I think my work will become more bearable starting next week. Phew… I’m still reading the same books (should tell you how […]

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Somebody help this guy out. Next page: Next next page: No note because I was painting until late and now I gotta go to sleep and tomorrow is Monday which sucks and Happy Easter if you’re celebrating!  

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No touchy

Oops. Someone forgot to think a little before he got all grabby. Next page: Next next page: How are you guys doing? I started watching Three Body Problem tv series and it’s quite good! I honestly didn’t have high hopes because I loved the books, so I knew it wouldn’t be as good, […]

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Pulling on the chain

Keep at it, Sofia! And maybe you won’t become a mass murderer just yet. Next page: Next next page: I’ll be quick because I’m very tired. I’ve seen Dune 2 and loved it! Go to the cinema, it’s worth it. I’m still reading The Garden of Empire but I’m in 25% and not […]

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Double Sofia! Next page: Next next page: Real quick today, because it’s late already… Had a busy week since it’s taxes time. I finished listening to The Will of the Many and it was amazing and alrea devoured (can’t call that reading…) The Tainted Cup which was also great! I recommend both books, […]

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Out of ideas

Filip is being Filip, of course. Asking both the valid and the irrelevant questions. Next page: Next next page: Has anyone read the Fourth Wing and can tell me what’s good about it? Because I gave up after the first chapter (right after a super handsome but evil hunk appears). Apparently there’s going […]

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A quick rundown for those who managed to forget what happened since the knives first appeared~ Next page: Next next page: I’m in Sapporo this week! I’ll try to draw the next page according to the schedule but the last two days we’ve been doing 20km a day just walking around and exploring […]

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Japan photo blog

If you are curious about my travels (well, those to Japan at least) check out my photo blog on Tumblr! Plenty of amateurish, inspirational pictures from multiple trips.

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Digital painting tutorials by NotImportant. Completely free and for everyone who wish to learn - basic drawing tutorials, advanced digital paintings, videos, steps and tips!

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