Important things

Time to gather up what was left of their tent and move on! Sadly, still no showers… And I hope you all recognize this precious book with brown cover. If you need a reminder, here it is: Ada’s notebook. From other news, I am on Mallorka right now, so I’ll be a tad less responsive, […]

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Just like chicken

I am seriously surprised that no one brought this up last week… Maybe it’s just me, immediately associating headless creatures with chickens… Might just be me ಠ_ಠ A-anyway! We’ll be slowing down a little, last demon is down, our tired superheroes throw some lame jokes as they stroll through the empty part of the camp and […]

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Two more demons

This sweet almost-full-page is the last one from this scene. I hope you like Kasper and Laura, since they will stick around for a moment longer. Next week we will meet another 3 new characters, very exciting! (╯’□’)╯ I liked the discussion under last page, so many wild theories haha. I don’t want to comment on them […]

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Prince in dirty socks

Rescue is here! Unfortunately our cutie went unnoticed and never got a chance to introduce herself. But that’s ok! She lived, so there’s still a future. Next week we’ll meet some new people, while Ada and Robert run around the camp and save the day. From other news: I have removed the VOTE button from […]

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Clumsy with words

Sorry, no time for hugs and showers this time, since we still have angry predators running around the camp. And say your goodbyes since we will be parting with these two for a moment to introduce some new characters~ I am very anxious to see your reactions next week… Replay has reached TAPASTIC! Please visit […]

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I hope that short fight explained a little bit about why those demons are such lazy fighters. Neither Ada nor Robert are expert demon slayers, they just enjoyed kendo and hitting each other with sticks back when the world was more peaceful~ Still makes their reflexes a tad better than average person. I will probably […]

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To the rescue

Some of you probably remember sketch of that page from the Facebook fanpage. I hope you like how it turned out in the end! What I like the most is Robert’s leg on the second panel. From other news, if you are curious, nothing was sold in the first week of shop’s existence! I did […]

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Missing presence

Many things happened this week, even if you didn’t notice! I have changed the header (well, that’s the most obvious change), added Archive (it pains me to see that Replay only has this many pages…), updated the Cast page with a teaser of our cute new character and most importantly… Set up a shop! I […]

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Reaching for glory

I feel kind of bad about posting a cover instead of a regular page but oh well… I suppose I’ll be starting new chapter once a year or something like that so it’s justified. I hope you like it! Our heroes will soon ditch colorful sweaters for military jackets~ Let me know what kind of expectations […]

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That’s it! End of the Prologue! That was a crazy ride but I hope you survived somehow. Starting next week we’ll go a bit slower, explain more stuff and introduce a proper plot. But I’ll be talking about next chapter next week, when you’ll get to see the cover~ I’ll be in Japan for one […]

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Become a Facebook fan! Read the news, see sketches and notes about future pages! Join the community and share comics with your friends! Spread the love and madness!

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Japan photo blog

If you are curious about my travels (well, those to Japan at least) check out my photo blog on Tumblr! Plenty of amateurish, inspirational pictures from multiple trips.

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Digital painting tutorials by NotImportant. Completely free and for everyone who wish to learn - basic drawing tutorials, advanced digital paintings, videos, steps and tips!

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