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Collection of all those awesome things connected to Replay that I’ve received from other people! Thank you! \(-ㅂ-)/ ♥ ♥ ♥
If there is anything you would like to share, be it a piece of literature or drawing, feel free to send it to ni.replaycomic [at] I’ll be happy to add it to the gallery~
Sweet Ada
Jewel of Adonis… [Keep reading]
Vermillion hair like alder burning
Portals blue as the storm wrought sea… [Keep reading]
Come listen now and I’ll tell a tale
Of fiery maid and shining blade… [Keep reading]
Little Ada, won’t you come be my bride,
Little Ada, come lay down your blades.… [Go and listen]
Hello Adam, my old friend.
I’ve come to talk with you again.… [Go and listen]
Comic Audio book series, featuring first pages of Replay read outloud. [Go and listen]
I see fields of waste, blood entrails too.
They lay around, from me and you… [Go and listen]
Midnight, not a sound at the campsite,
just an old man caught in strife… [Go and listen]
23rd of July 2015 – Hello diary. Today is a big day for me. I’ve managed to convince the board of directors, that the old CEO can no longer be tolerated. That wasn’t too difficult, actually… [Keep reading]
Under a crimson sky, three people stood in the middle of a desert, whose sands had been dyed a red hue from all the blood and destruction they came to cover up…[Keep reading]
It was a peaceful evening in the town of Redford. Kasper had recently returned from duty at the nearby military base for his weekend off and was just kicking back on the couch…[Keep reading]
At a campfire in the middle of the night, a few of the survivors had gathered under the watchful eyes of the remaining military forces….[Keep reading]
Stefen looked up from his book and out of the window, where a tower of flames rose to the skies…[Keep reading]
“Ada…Ada! Hey, wake up, sleepyhead! You’re gonna be late!”
Ada slowly wakes from her dreams, rubs her eyes and stretches her sore limbs… [Keep reading]
Under an azure sky, as the gulls’ cries echo over the gentle noise of the ocean hitting against the shore, Ada wanders across the dunes… [Keep reading]
Greeting’s Mr. Ravenstock, It has come to my departments attention that your organization is of some repute…. [Keep reading]
During a strong storm, which tore at the wooden walls of the castle, an unlikely group gathered… [Keep reading]
Sometimes, if you walk by the oceanside by yourself while the sun sets, you can hear them. The countless broken hearts, lost in the tides of time… [Keep reading]
In all my time and all my studies, I have never met a stranger pair than these two. Their relationship is best described as a symbiotic rivalry… [Keep reading]
A few days after the return of the group to the camp with the spellbook and its involuntary guardian, Julia approaches a surprisingly large tent and knocks against one of the supports… [Keep reading]
“I’m gonna show him. I’m going to show them all. What is he even thinking, dragging that…that…woman into the camp!”… [Keep reading]
An old road in the rural countryside. The lonely figure that is traveling along it wouldn’t have been a strange sight just a while ago, but… [Keep reading]
“God damn, I’m late!” Filip exclaimed as the bell called for the first lesson. He whizzed over the campus, just barely evading a couple of other students… [Keep reading]
“A special day, a special day, today’s a very special day…” Laura sang, as she all but danced over the campsite, keeping her eyes peeled for her targets… [Keep reading]
Flakes of silent white drift down from the grey sky, quietly blanketing the world… The first snow of winter has arrived…[Keep reading]
As she groveled in the dirt before him, her resolve to find the long lost lover again waned. The soft morning sunlight filtered through his golden hair…[Keep reading]
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If you are curious about my travels (well, those to Japan at least) check out my photo blog on Tumblr! Plenty of amateurish, inspirational pictures from multiple trips.
Digital painting tutorials by NotImportant. Completely free and for everyone who wish to learn - basic drawing tutorials, advanced digital paintings, videos, steps and tips!
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