Threat from the sky

Ooops, someone has keen ears and is ready for some snacking (well, not really, they don’t actually EAT them)!

The next couple of pages are scary. Please buckle up and don your raincoats.

Next page:
Next next page:

What’s new! I’m kind of busy, trying to juggle multiple projects at the same time and also go out since I’m all vaccinated and can use the trains again! It was raining, but we still went to the ocean and had a nice, long walk on the beach in Enoshima. It was fun 🙂 Apart from that, we’re still polishing Historia and I’m trying to move those novels of mine forward. The Cleansed Ones is getting a line-edit right now! I hired someone for the first chapter and they came back with lovely suggestions and even caught some bugs. So I’m hoping they can help me improve my writing. I hope to start querying that novel in September / October. It’s scary, but I’m also excited about getting this over with. I prepared as much as I could. Time to throw this baby at people.

The second novel, The Mind Drummer, is still in revision, I’m rewriting chapter 7 today (out of 21) and I’m really really hoping to get it done before I need to go to sleep. Days are too short. I want to retire. Retire and do all those unprofitable things like writing books and drawing pictures. If you want to support that silly dream, you can check out my Patreon lol Thank you <3

Ekhem. So I’m reading The Gutter Prayer right now and it’s good? I like it. It’s on the grim side, with a world that is a grimy, sad place where people kill each other for scraps and die in the gutter. But there’s a lot of world-building and action so I’m enjoying myself. What is surprising, is that the book hasn’t been edited well, so there’s plenty of typos, silly repetitions, and even messed-up character names. I feel bad for the author because this is his debut and it was clearly given to some intern to proofread. Anyway, if you like grimdark with fast pacing and juicy world-building – check it out.

Okay, back to editing…!


9 comments on “Threat from the sky”

  1. JW Reply

    Phew, a distraction.

    mouseover text: “Ada, you need counseling”

    Too bad all counselors were eaten by demons.
    She’ll just have to fight those (inner) demons herself.

  2. WitUnderPressure Camp dweller Reply

    Good thing you got a sword, ’cause there’s a dragon that needs slaying

  3. Sabreur Reply

    The real hero of this page is the dragon, arriving in the nick of time to cut short the awkward conversation. 😉

  4. Crestlinger Reply

    Tsundere jealousy in action, good to see her subconscious is still shipping them lol.
    Robert in his head: ‘Whew, a demon.’ But that’s the one they can See. Hopefully no other demons in the area just went ‘!’

  5. Refugnic Reply

    Tell me, Ada, why so mean?
    Why throw these harsh remarks?
    He shines purple, you shine green,
    your jealousy throws sparks.

    That’s not true! You’re wrong, I say!
    I’m not jealous…much.
    It’s just, it feels she’s in the way.
    Her lessons are a crutch!

    What good’s a power you can’t wield?!
    What if it fails again?
    Now you’re the sword and I’m the shield?!
    And who’ll protect me then?

    Either way, you’re still way off,
    Told you I’m not upset.
    It’s just the shock, so let me scoff,
    the pain will fade, no sweat.

    Very well, so be it then,
    it’s all just in my head.
    So let’s calm down, and count to ten,
    enough blood has been shed.

    Yes, you’re right, let’s all calm down,
    and move, before— GARAAAA
    ‘Oh that’s just grand’, another frown.
    ‘A flying beast, hurrah.’

    Battle stations, one and all.
    It’s coming in, and fast!
    For here we stand and will not fall.
    We’ve come this far to last!

  6. Anon3000 Reply

    Ooh, I LOVE Flying Awkward Moment Accelerators!

    Love the webcomic, NotImportant!

  7. Rateus Camp dweller Reply

    Suitably chastened Ada, perhaps not suitably chastened Rob. Certainly I’d be mollifying more in his shoes right now…

  8. SevenX77 Reply

    Would you, could you, in Japan?
    With Godzilla and Rodan?

    I would NOT, could NOT in Japan!
    With Godzilla OR Rodan!
    I do not like green eggs and ham!

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