
That’s it! End of the Prologue! That was a crazy ride but I hope you survived somehow. Starting next week we’ll go a bit slower, explain more stuff and introduce a proper plot. But I’ll be talking about next chapter next week, when you’ll get to see the cover~ I’ll be in Japan for one […]

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Title goes to those flowers in the first panel, which have taken insane amount of time to draw. I am really bad with flowers, both drawing and taking care of them. Well, I tried. Thanks for the get-well wishes last week, I am all good now and working on the next chapter. It’s very exciting, […]

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The sweetest kind

UPDATE: This page got slightly adjusted in 2020! You can still see the old version HERE 😉   I got sick…!  (ノಥДಥ)ノ︵┻━┻ Enjoy new page while I shiver under the blankets. How did I get sick in this weather I have no idea. Anyway, I leave marketing to you this week, spread the news, gather fans, thanks […]

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As pointed out in the comments, for those who voted it was fairly obvious who’ll win, sorry for unintentionally spoiling the fun! I also realized that it will be a while before they will fight against each other again. There will be too many other things to fight. And as you can see style changed […]

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UPDATE: This page has been slightly adjusted in 2020 😉 You can still see the old version HERE   Ada is busy playing with sticks inside her mind, she is not interested in fighting the demon~ If you haven’t seen it yet, there is a cute vote incentive from last page of Prologue! I will […]

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Timing is crucial

UPDATE: This page has been adjusted in 2020! You can still see the old version HERE 😉   Ada is currently unavailable, please try again later or leave a message after the BEEP. I almost feel sorry for him… Unintentionally perhaps, but even Ada added to his pain. Well, he will need to handle that […]

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UPDATE: This page has been adjusted in 2020! You can still see the old version HERE 😉   Sometimes I wonder if this comic will even be understandable. No, I don’t mean that particular page, I mean as a whole. Some of you probably know that I have script for first volume done, but it’s […]

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UPDATE: This page has been adjusted in 2020! You can still see the old version HERE 😉   Robert is in full regeneration mode right now, sleeping until his wounds are healed. I have a feeling I constantly draw him sleeping in this chapter… Such a lazy guy. If you have a moment to spare […]

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Hint of mint

UPDATE: This page has been modified in 2020! You can still see the old version HERE 😉   Everyone survived, Robert didn’t even wake for the special effects. Magic is fun but life goes on and shiny toothpaste ain’t gonna save you from suffocation. So we leave the underground room and search for another home~ […]

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Chocolate fudge

UPDATE: This page has been adjusted in 2020! You can still see the old version HERE 😉   Ada had a sailor’s mouth in her high school days but Robert always said that girls shouldn’t use ugly words and trained her stubbornly until she gave up on cursing. All ugly words replaced with cute ones. […]

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Japan photo blog

If you are curious about my travels (well, those to Japan at least) check out my photo blog on Tumblr! Plenty of amateurish, inspirational pictures from multiple trips.

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Digital painting tutorials by NotImportant. Completely free and for everyone who wish to learn - basic drawing tutorials, advanced digital paintings, videos, steps and tips!

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