Short flight

And off he goes~

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I hope you guys didn’t miss me (and new pages) too much. I just got back to Tokyo, and I’m super tired, so I’m just going to crash and sleep until I need to go to work tomorrow haha…

In case you’re reading Replay (or Refugnic’s comments) on Tapas, I still need to schedule the next pages. I haven’t forgotten, just didn’t get the time. I spent most of the trip walking around Sapporo and preparing my next novel for the beta readers so I didn’t do anything comics-related. It was a nice break! And I bought a couple of artbooks, so I’m eager to get back to drawing. Looking at art always gets me into the drawing mood.  The table in our Airbnb wasn’t that great so I ended up not drawing anything at all, and I still have some assets for Historia to finish.

From books, I’ve finished The Ruthless Lady’s Guide to Wizardry and it was absolutely delightful. If you need something funny, cute, with badass female protagonists – go for it! I don’t think I’ve ever read a book like this one. Easily the best one I’ve read this year. I really recommend it, lots of good laughs. If you know a similar book – let me know!

18 comments on “Short flight”

  1. Winged Kitsune Reply

    Well, I think it’s safe to say we’ve established Ada definitely has feelings for Rob. Otherwise she wouldn’t be this distraught.

    • JW Reply

      Well, he’s her best friend. Those are definitely feelings.
      I wouldn’t read more into it based on just this page, per se. (But yeah, previous interactions definitely suggest more complicated feelings.)

  2. Darque Hellmutt Reply

    Sorry, guys. Nice artwork – but this just isn’t moving fast enough to keep my interest. Good luck with your career.

    • Refugnic Reply

      That is for you to decide.
      Who knows, maybe, in a few years, you’ll remember Replay, come walking over and walk into a beautifully crafted story, that’s told one moment at a time.

      I for one have been around for a few years now and am still looking forward to every new update, short as they may be.
      But as they say: To each their own.
      May you find what you seek.

  3. Refugnic Reply

    It’s boarding time, your tickets please,
    your seat you must yet pick.
    We’ll take you there with greatest ease,
    your trip will be done quick.

    Hear the engines roaring out,
    as if they called your name.
    That’s the service we’re about,
    you’ve got yourself to blame.

    Now off you go, a happy flight,
    and don’t forget to rate.
    Thank you for choosing demon blight,
    and don’t spare on the hate.

    Now what is this, another one?
    With silent sobs and hics?
    Well good for you, you both have won,
    it’s half price for them chicks.

    Please pack your things, put them away,
    be with you in a bit.
    To where your friend does lifeless lay,
    and please don’t throw a fit.

    A desperate struggle these two meet,
    as they got caught off guard.
    For now it turns to fresher meat,
    as comrade does lie scarred.

    A miracle is what you need,
    a Deus Ex right now.
    To overcome what made you bleed,
    lest you’ll be demon chow.

  4. Refugnic Reply

    Also, thank you for mentioning that I’m avidly posting more poetry over at Tapas as they come in, Not Important.
    I doubt that many of the audience would mosey over for that alone, but taking a trip down memory lane may well be worth the journey. 🙂

    Glad to hear you enjoyed your trip.

      • Refugnic Reply

        ‘Many’, yes. ‘Amazing’ is up for the readers to decide.
        Thanks for the encouragement though. 🙂

  5. T3hOgre Reply

    She’s got The One Ring in her purse doesn’t she? Or maybe their sense of taste is based on movement. Hold still Ada, and maybe it won’t taste you!

    Come for the Not Important Comicery, stay for the Refugnic prose in the form of poetry! Also, I think pages come at a fine pace – takes me a good hour to read and look at everyone anyway (and to examine the commentary). If there were more than that, I’d waste a whole Sunday night. Thanks, NI! and ‘Fugnic.

    • NotImportant Reply

      Haha thanks guys 🙂 It is what it is, mostly because I do other things and not only draw Replay. It’s not my career or anything. Comic is a terrible, terrible medium to work with, everything is super slow. I have no idea how those people drawing webtoons even function.

      • T3hOgre Reply

        They buffer vertically. And use lots and lots and lots of vertical white space – making you think that your internet is lagging. But I could not read Lore Olympus or I’m the Grim Reaper without it.

        Love the dragon eyes, I keep looking at ’em. And have to say, have always admired your ability to draw bloody teeth.
        If you don’t look too closely it looks like Rob is wagging his tail a la Twokinds. The white swish, tail ends in two places and the little move waggles at the end of the swish. Alas, ’tis a helmet.

    • Refugnic Reply

      Haha, I never thought people would actually stay for my ‘prose in the form of poetry’.
      In fact, I am glad that people are even just reading them at all. 🙂

      Oh, and usually my nick is abbreviated as ‘Ref’, not as ‘Fugnic’. 😉

      • T3hOgre Reply

        I am an Ogre. I do not follow trends. 😀 Mr. ‘Fugnic, sir.

        Hey, so did anybody else figure Rob must taste bad? Spit him out like a month old fuzzy grape! It likes hot peppers apparently.

        • Refugnic Reply

          Well, ‘Fugnic’ is quite close to ‘Fungus’, but a name is a but a name, isn’t that right?

          As for ‘spit out the guy’, I imagine it must have enough tactical awareness to realize that Rob’s not going anywhere, whereas Ada is still well (traumatized, but otherwise well).
          That makes her either a threat (which any sensible foe should not take likely) or ‘likely to run away’.
          Either way, she’s a more interesting target than Rob right now.

          On the other hand, there is that old saying: ‘Those who hunt two rabbits leaves one behind and looses the other.
          While Rob looks to be in real bad shape there, turning its back to him may well prove fatal.

    • Refugnic Reply

      ‘Throwing someone at pointy things’ usually is a rather efficient way to take care of someone permanently.
      Getting impaled is a thing, after all.
      However Rob might be in luck and have landed on the ‘not pointy’ side of things…thing is, regular swords don’t really do much against demons and he’s not in much of a condition to swing anything at this point.

      I’m still waiting for those prominent daggers from a few pages back to make their entrance though.

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