
Look at this silly person. All of those silly persons. I hope you like the page and you’re not too disappointed that they’re still arguing. This conversation is actually a huge info-dump since I skipped a few days between them leaving the old camp and settling here (wherever ‘here’ is, because we are not sure […]

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Origin of magic

As it is known, all weird things come from the depths of the Internet. Unfortunately, Kasper is a bit reluctant to let Ada go and fetch the print~ First of all, let us celebrate more than 100 comments under the last page \(-ㅂ-)/ ♥ ♥ ♥ Thank you, restless lurkers, it made me happy to see […]

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Useless disciples

Welcome in the second chapter! We start with some magic which sadly doesn’t want to work~ Apparently, there’s more to it than they have assumed. I’m sorry Robert, your tears are not going to help with this one ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Thanks for all your votes last week! I already have one more extra comic ready for […]

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Through the woods

And that concludes this chapter! More than a hundred pages in this one, that was a long ride! I hope you enjoyed and look forward to the next one, I’ve got a lot of drama prepared, two new characters, more info about magic and the visions, I’m super excited for it already! I’ve decided to […]

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Familiar faces

Who’s there? And more importantly – who is missing?! And what is our witch in the making planning to do with all those people? Gathering them in one place like this sure was risky, but she did cast one spell before, didn’t she~ ๏◡๏ I’m back from the trip to the mountains, finally! We’ve had a […]

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Important memory 4

End of the flashback! And yay for Robert’s brain, which managed to unbury the memory after all. And I hope it’s clear now what Sofia’s feelings are, it became quite obvious why after thinking a moment she chose to run away, rather than face the guy who lost his job because of her. Because no […]

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Important memory 1

So nope, Robert is/was not a teacher for her, just an older student who started working and made a presentation to encourage others to try. For now Sofia looks only mildly interested, next page is where the fun begins! And don’t worry it won’t be a long flashback. I am still preparing for my exam […]

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Strategic retreat

She is a coward! But maybe that’s for the best…? We don’t know the full story after all. Maybe the memory they share is not a pleasant one? You will find out soon enough, let the flashback begin! And I managed to finish one illustration today, which I’ve started long time ago. It was originally […]

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Taking chances

No one doubted that she will try to start a conversation, right? Next week we’ll see how it goes! Ada is currently busy, comforting some random people in the background, so Sofia – this is your big moment! Don’t ruin it! ლ(o◡oლ) And if you are not tired of her, please check the vote incentive as […]

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Surprise! She already knows Robert. Where from? Oh, you’ll see in a couple of pages, don’t worry~ That angry, badass Robert on the right-bottom panel, oh yes. And I like that sparkly background behind her happy face, she looks as if she won a prize of some sort. Sorry Sophia… your prize is already taken ¯\_(シ)_/¯ […]

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Japan photo blog

If you are curious about my travels (well, those to Japan at least) check out my photo blog on Tumblr! Plenty of amateurish, inspirational pictures from multiple trips.

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Digital painting tutorials by NotImportant. Completely free and for everyone who wish to learn - basic drawing tutorials, advanced digital paintings, videos, steps and tips!

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