Secret plan

I like that page, maybe because I like Ada in a ponytail. It’s a nice change, right? Anyway, you can say your goodbyes since we won’t be seeing those two for a while. Next week is an abrupt jump to someone else. And those who follow me on Twitter or Facebook can probably guess who will next pages be featuring ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ

From other news: I have updated the fanart section! There is a new story from Refugnic, about Stefen and Dennis. The theme was requested by me, and I did give him a bit of additional info so if you are curious about Stefen’s past and character you should definitely give it a read! I have also added a new tag cloud from Dakoit Wuther. Thanks, guys, I really appreciate it! \(-ㅂ-)/ ♥ ♥ ♥

I’m still struggling with the tablet but not behind with the comic anymore, yay! So you don’t have to worry about the updates for the time being. And I thought I will have more time for sketches and stuff like that but a commission I couldn’t refuse is dragging and… you know, I bought a new computer. Had to test it, right? For overheating and such. I installed the Witcher 3 and damn, that game looks so good… Second location and I’ve already made more than 100 screenshots. It might be just me, I haven’t played anything in like, ugh, 10 years? Damn.

Ah, thanks for all those votes! You guys are awesome, I feel bad about not changing the vote incentive lately haha… I’ll try to put on something interesting this week.

47 comments on “Secret plan”

  1. Kazzeon Reply

    Ada looks great with a ponytail! *-*
    I’m interested to see which characters come next.. 😀

    • Refugnic Reply

      I think she looks pretty nice in and with most about anything, wouldn’t you agree?

      That said, there are three ‘character sets’ we haven’t seen lately.
      One: Nina and Filip
      Two: Kasper and Laura
      Three: Sofia

      Judging from my intuition (and because I follow NI on Twitter :P), I think I’m opting for a return of the little Kitty. I see hot chocolate in the near future. 🙂

      Glad that you’re getting a hang on that tablet, NI. 🙂

      • Zenanii Reply

        “I think she looks pretty nice in and with most about anything, wouldn’t you agree?”

        Or without anything (sorry, I had to ._.)

      • Dæmon Reply

        You know, speaking of looking nice,most people my age that I know would say, “Damn… She’s hot.” And would have only looked at her breasts, hips and face before saying that. It’s sad, I think, that people don’t bother to get to know a person anymore before deciding to have a “committed” relationship. In fact, that’s just the people I know in my social situations, with a few exceptions; but then again, I don’t have any peers, cousins, or relatives my age to compare with, except my brother. Also worthy of noting,I don’t have many people I can call a friend, but then again, I don’t need a lot of friends. We all get along fine, and just have fun. Of course, I just realized, i’m the only male of our group who has never had a relationship z but I’m fairly certain it doesn’t usually start with sex.

        • Zenanii Reply

          To be fair, before you get to know a person, looks is really all you have to go by. In a vacuum, if you had to chose between two partners, one was gorgeous and th other one butt-ugly, and you knew nothing else about them, I’m sure most people would go for the beautiful one (well, some might go for the ugly one out of pity, but I don’t think that would result in a good relationship.

          Now, I’m proably the last person on the planet who should be giving relationship advice, but from my (limited) experience you can grow to percieve a person as beautiful based on their personality (and the reverse is true, a person being bitchy/mean is just… such a turn-off), but you still have to start from somewhere, in which case, might as well aim for the stars? 😛

          • Dæmon

            Maybe so, but it seems so unfair to judge based on something as trivial as a person’s measurements…

            Then again, what do I know? I’ve never had a relationship, so I can only speak form experience with anime…

          • JW


            In a vacuum, if you had to chose between two partners, [..]

            Which of the two has a spare pressure suit and an oxygen tank? 😉

            from my (limited) experience you can grow to perceive a person as beautiful based on their personality

            Very true.


            Maybe so, but it seems so unfair to judge based on something as trivial as a person’s measurements…

            Most judgments of beauty don’t really come down to measurements, I think. And in any case, the biological imperative is to produce and raise healthy progeny; and beauty is correlated to health (though perhaps less so today then in the past when many common diseases and accidents would leave a mark). So I wouldn’t call it trivial, it has its relevance.
            What is rather unfair is that it spills over from the relationship-market to other aspects of life. (On average) attractive people are seen as nicer, smarter and more competent, and they earn more.

          • Lukkai

            Forget about the spare pressure suit! I’m going after the one with the working rescue capsule! 😉

          • Dæmon

            I don’t get it… Is it the money you want, or her body, dead or alive?

          • JW

            Well, the first priority is somehow surviving being in a vacuum. You can survive a vacuum and stay conscious about 10-15 seconds. So quickly getting into a space-suit or escape pod, or some other protected non-vacuum space, is rather important.
            After that, I guess Lukkai has a point that you might want to get out of there. somehow. So an escape pod is more helpful in that respect than a space-suit. And if nothing else it’ll have an oxygen supply that’ll last you longer. Sharing an escape pod will also make it easier to ‘interact’ than floating around in spacesuits. *wink, wink, nudge, nudge*
            As for money, well, there’s not much to spend it on in a vacuum. Wealth in resources/capital (such as escape pods and oxygen) would be more useful, unless there’s some nearby community to trade with that accepts money. And I’m not even going to consider what use a dead body might be, so I’d definitely prefer alive until I know her well enough to wish otherwise. I’d also accept an intelligent AI though, because I expect having someone to talk with is more important to your sanity than having a warm body to snuggle up to.

          • Lukkai

            An AI would do somewhat, I guess. But it doesn’t hurt of course if that someone to talk with happens to have a warm body to snuggle up to.

            And in that situation, having the ability to call for/fly towards help and enough rations and air supply to reach it/see it arrive would certainly be considered being rich. 😉

          • Dæmon

            Apparently I’m just not getting it. Why would cash only be useful if you are near a settlement? Aren’t most space stations near or orbiting planets, likely one with SOME form of life if we assume aliens are real and are civil beings? Then again, when I say civil, I’m talking from a human’s perspective, so “civil” may mean something very different to the other species.

            Also, my understanding of space is that we can survive it for up to several minutes, as long as we have oxygen, meaning that there may be time to don a space suit.

            Furthermore, how is an AI supposed to be sentient, unless we assume that the AI has entered a state of gathering information as much as possible, which I believe was the third stage of an AI’s deterioration, and then entered the theoretical fourth state?

            Plus, real life space suits have multiple hours of oxygen, and it would be rather hard to recycle the air in a space larger than a single suit, but we likely could do it. After all, we have SCUBA gear that can support two people indefinitely as long as the tank is whole.

            And if course, bieng the innocent type, I was curious if there was any implication to the “nudge nudge wink wink” thing. Me bieng who I am, I couldn’t find any reason to have to hint at anything particular.

            As for the dead body, I can’t find any reason it was needed either, so I asked.

          • JW

            Apparently I’m just not getting it. Why would cash only be useful if you are near a settlement?

            It needn’t be a settlement, but it does need to be a place where there are people (or other entities) that accept cash in trade. Money is positively worthless except perhaps as fuel or bedding unless someone i swilling to accept it in trade.

            Aren’t most space stations near or orbiting planets

            The only examples from the past or present that we know of, yeah.

            Also, my understanding of space is that we can survive it for up to several minutes, as long as we have oxygen, meaning that there may be time to don a space suit.

            IF you have oxygen. And you can survive longer in space than you can stay conscious, but you need to be conscious to put on a spacesuit. So I used that time (estimated at 10-15 second on a quick search).

            Furthermore, how is an AI supposed to be sentient

            By the definition I use in this case.
            As for how; how is three pounds of fat, water and minerals conscious?

            unless we assume that the AI has entered a state of gathering information as much as possible, which I believe was the third stage of an AI’s deterioration, and then entered the theoretical fourth state?

            What notion of AI are you working under? Some specific fictional universal? Asimov? Something else? Can’t say I’ve heard of these stages before.

            After all, we have SCUBA gear that can support two people indefinitely as long as the tank is whole.

            I very much doubt it’s indefinitely. You can scrub out the CO2, but the oxygen still gets used and so your finite supply will inevitably dwindle.

            And if course, bieng the innocent type, I was curious if there was any implication to the “nudge nudge wink wink” thing.

            It’s a reference to a Monty Python sketch.

          • Dæmon

            About the Aai having stages, that was sorry g my brother found and looked at. Neither of us know the origins of the article, nor did we know if it was reality of not, now that I think about it, but we knew these stages were used in Halo since Rampancy, the theorized fourth state, was what Cortana had entered into by the start of the first Halo game, if you follow the time frame of the games. The stages were something he found, and we don’t know where the thought came from or who first had it, we just knew that some universe somewhere had it. Then again, he did say that it was reality, but then he told me yesterday that it was just something he found, AFTER I replied.

            As for the Month Python reference, I was sure I was missing the obvious thing, and turns out I was half right. I did think of MP, but then thought that couldn’t possibly the source of such an obvious joke I wasn’t getting. So, five points for trying?

          • Dæmon

            Where the HELL did that come from?! Right, I’m copying and retyping that first paragraph.

            About the Aai having stages, that was something my brother found and looked at. Neither of us know the origins of the article, nor did we know if it was reality of not, now that I think about it, but we knew these stages were used in Halo since Rampancy, the theorized fourth state, was what Cortana had entered into by the start of the first Halo game, if you follow the time frame of the games. The stages were something he found, and we don’t know where the thought came from or who first had it, we just knew that some universe somewhere had it. Then again, he did say that it was reality, but then he told me yesterday that it was just something he found, AFTER I replied.

            Okay… Maybe I overreacted a little. But still, the keyboard on a phone screen is pitiful. Really, I need an actual laptop for this…

          • Zenanii

            Jesus Christ, I make a theoretical comment about “vacuum” and you nerds manage to turn this into a discussion about advanced AI and surviving in outer space -_-‘

          • Dæmon

            Oh, and I’m more of a geek than a nerd, but most people seem to confuse it, so I get that a lot.

          • Dæmon

            Although… There IS a thi g called nerdcore, and it was term coined by nerdcore rapper MC Frontalot. He makes songs like “Goth Girls” “Nerdcore Rising” and just general nerd raps that I think at least a few of us can understand. Just be careful who you listen to his Pr0n S0ng with. Also, I sometimes listen to MC Chris, a rapper with some nerdier raps, like”Fette’s Vette” and “Nrrrd Girl”. I may be more of a geek, but I still enjoy very nerdy things.

  2. GreatBasinCoyote Reply

    In order to successfully sell something to your intended target demographic, you need to at least present the illusion you believe your product will work. With the flashback sequence of Ada in school drawing the pentacles and their brief time on base, she doesn’t appear to be an extrovert personality, which you would need to sell a lie. The lie in this circumstance, that the ‘soldiers’ are capable of defending the base when all civilians alive and present have been witness to soldiers and civilians being massacred by the demons, is approaching an asymptote which may not be overcome. My educated guess is that this mockery of a PR campaign will burn and turn to ash in front of their faces.

    • NotImportant Reply

      She doesn’t have to lie. She did say she has a plan, she can tell them something she actually believes in. And it’s not like those people need a lot of convincing, not many would risk running into the woods anyway. An illusion of safety in the camp (not to mention the food and shelter from elements) versus being alone woods.
      For Dennis, it was more a matter of “stealing” the heroes and writing his name under their success with the uniforms than actually entrusting them with an important task. He bought their fame with shoes ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ

  3. Zenanii Reply

    Oh, oh, oh! Are we about to see spray-paint pentagrams to protect the entire camp?! (Guessing either some sort of camoflague or demon-reppelant).

    • Dr. Acula Reply

      Actually, it looks like the spraypaint was to paint their swords black, as they were previously a reddish-brown rust color.

  4. Someguy Reply

    “+3 to charisma”? Lies, putting her hair up is a charisma /de/-buff. 😛
    Maybe that’s just me, though, everyone else always seems to prefer shorter hair…

        • Zenanii Reply

          Well, I was going for kind of a jab at some people wanting to free animals of different kinds for different reasons, #FreeTheHair or #ReleaseTheHair would also have worked. Your version is kind of a mouthful.

          • Lukkai

            I can’t help but think of a certain Megatokyo strip and Largo: “They want to be free…”

    • JW Reply

      I don’t really see what a ponytail has to do with a preference people might have for shorter hair.
      But anyway, as far as I am concerned, I don’t really have a general preference for long hair or shorter hair, or ponytails, pig tails, twin tails, braided, or down, or for that matter blond, black, red, brown, purple, pink, green or any other color (though in real life, most people do not seem to have the ability to make many colors work. Half-assed colored hair sucks).

      Having said that, I must admit I am currently in camp “WOOO!! Ponytail!!”
      Possibly because it’s a novelty, or maybe because it shifts my perception of Ada a bit (due to different associations for personalities that “go with” ponytails vs hair down.)
      I bet she’d look awesome with a long braid as well.

      • xthorgoldx Reply

        It’s less about how long the hair is than how much the hair covers. Long, loose hair provides a sort of backdrop for the face and neck, and has bulk down the back. A ponytail tucks that hair up and compacts it so that it takes up less space; in addition, it pulls the hair back and away from the face and ears, exposing more skin for a more distinct facial profile.

        • Dæmon Reply

          Yeah… And Ada looks more physically attractive to me, and I appreciate her cheerful and still somewhat michevious demeanor. I say that last part because of the spraypain and whatever plans she has for it. If she has a soft spot for evil, then I kinda wish I was evil.

          • Dr. Acula

            It looks to me like the spraypaint was to paint their swords black, as they were previously a reddish-brown rust color.

    • JW Reply

      It end with the sun going nova in about 4.5 billion years. But that’s not really any different from how it would end otherwise 😛

  5. Dusk Reply

    it’s these kind of pages that make me want a time machine just to jump ahead 2-3 weeks and reed the comics. I can only imagine what you can do with black spray paint , and a book of circle magic (just a shot in the dark)

    • Dr. Acula Reply

      It looks to me like the spraypaint was to paint their swords black, as they were previously a reddish-brown rust color.

      • NotImportant Reply

        3 times same comment?… Ugh, okay, one time is enough buddy!
        And sorry, color of the sheaths changes from time to time due to light and my absentmindedness but it’s somewhere around very-dark-with-brown-shine all the time. Blades were cleaned from blood though, just like our heroes.

  6. Doom Reply

    Ponytail! Yay!
    As much as I love Ada’s “beautiful cascade of fire” hairstyle, I’m *definitely* in favor of her trying other styles on occasion. So pretty!

  7. Dæmon Reply

    You know, thing ng back to the fairy tale discussion we had, I more than kind of doubt everything will be fine for our star crossed lovers. Then again, who k ows, besides perhaps NI, that is. Still, I just hope it doesn’t end the Hunger Games trilogy in that a lot of important characters die. Also, I doubt anyone we currently tly k is would purposefully kill everyone just for the sake of making g something akin to a superior or “master” race, as I’m sure more people than Hitler did. Of course, we may be wrong, and a generally good leader, or maybe Faust, would kill for their own amusement. Or it may be demons that die, particularly if it IS Faust, or someone figured D out how to capture demons. Either way, I get the feeling that whomever does kill some demons may be setting themselves up for failure.

  8. xthorgoldx Reply

    Spraypaint is definitely a step up from toothpaste as a magical component, but I still think she can do better. Any chance that Doc could whip up a chemical that’d help that demon blood be waterproof?

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