Mind freeze
I’m kind of traveling this weekend so I’m only throwing new page and will update this note in 24 hours or a bit later~ Sorry about not replying to comments too, I’ll be sure to check all of them tomorrow. Check out the cast though!
Back and alive! So many comments already, you guys are more active than ever. You must seriously like our new cast members~ I enjoyed drawing this page and the whole Stefen-Nina-Filip scene very much and I hope you will have a good laugh next week when Filip will be recollecting memories from his rather hectic morning.
And I wanted to say hello to all new readers! Welcome aboard and please enjoy the ride!
UPDATE – new short story fanart by Refugnic!
Of Explosions, Guns and DemonsBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM Short story by Refugnic |
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