Out of ideas

Filip is being Filip, of course. Asking both the valid and the irrelevant questions.

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Has anyone read the Fourth Wing and can tell me what’s good about it? Because I gave up after the first chapter (right after a super handsome but evil hunk appears). Apparently there’s going to be a tv series on it? Faster than Sanderson lol

So I’m back from Hokkaido. The trip was great, I walked a lot, saw a lot of snow, enjoyed some art exhibitions, museums, and good food. Lots of inspiration and new experiences (I did a glass workshop for example, that was fun!). Work was painful after this, so I was very stressed the entire week and pretty tired in the evenings, but I managed to continue on my writing. Slowly moving forward with editing the absurd story. I dunno if I said, but I finished The Way of the Shield and still think it was so-so compared to the author’s other books. Then I read An Import of Intrigue which was pretty gripping and I finished it very quickly lol Also, there was plane travel so lots of time for reading. I’m aaaalmost done with The Will of the Many and damn, that book is good. I recommend to all the fans of Red Rising. And I started The Tainted Cup (Shadow of the Leviathan, #1) by Robert Jackson Bennett (so author of the City of Stairs and Foundryside) but I’m in 15% and it didn’t really pull me in yet. Lots of weird world building which is quite fun but not sure where this is all going. Feels like it was inspired in part by Attack on Titan haha

Not much else going on. Trying to survive work while writing, doing the comics, and maybe working on the last part of Historia visual novel. Every day I wish I had more hours for drawing and such but life is what it is.

Thanks for reading Replay guys! Let’s see Sofia through this!


7 comments on “Out of ideas”

  1. HKMaly Reply

    What makes you think you COULD hide them well enough she wouldn’t find them? I mean, you don’t exactly have a volcano near …

  2. Crestlinger Reply

    Hmm well if there a magic Link to sever… just it might explode Her in the process….

  3. Jakalor Reply

    Fourth Wing is a smut novel that got popular, much like Fifty Shades or Twilight.

    Whether you like it or not is entirely based off of who you are, but that has never been a requirement for people to stan any books. Plenty of astroturfing put there to make milloinaieres seem “just like you”. See, Eragon.

  4. Mugi Reply

    Here’s the thing about many of the popular romantasy reads: they’re the transition point for many people either out of YA that are looking for something spicier (because often, fantasy novels don’t have enough romance and romance novels don’t have fantasy elements) or they’re picked up by people who have never read much at all. Objectively, the quality of writing is going to be pretty low.

    Fourth Wing is easy to read, easy to digest, the mmc is a tall dark handsome bad boy and the smut is smutting, so it went viral and the hype created a feedback loop.
    I enjoyed it personally. I do have standards for writing style, but they’re pretty flexible. I would say Fourth Wing is about the “ worst” I can stomach before my enjoyment of reading starts to be impacted. It was pretty exciting, the actions scenes were legitimately good, and the dragons and power/magic system is pretty cool, even if the rest of the world is left painfully underdeveloped. Another thing I’m sure people enjoyed is the chronic illness rep (Violet/ehler danos), lgbtq rep, and nonbinary rep (Even if it was a small side character). But the voice/narration is painfully YA, using. too. many. periods. gets. repetitive. And most of the dialogue is way too modern.

    With your extensive experience in reading really high quality fantasy, I am about 99% sure you’re not going to find most romantasy good lol. XD that’s not to bash romantasy or romantasy readers, I just think the objectives are completely different when it comes to writing them. There is a lot I will forgive when the vibes are right and I love the characters :’) I used to be a voracious reader as a kid and stopped almost completely as an adult, until a romantasy novel reignited my love of it. It’s been so nice to have that feeling of needing to read just one more page again. So I do compromise on – how do you call it again – ‘plot” and “narrative” and “world building” for my silly little enemies to lovers tropes and flashy if nonsensical magic battles. ;D

    Also, the booktok/bookstagram gals be horny af. There are current dozens of artists making a living from drawing smut fanart on patreon. No exaggeration lmao. Another reason why these book get really popular.

    Anyway. Sorry for the essay length comment lol. Just to wrap up – you may have to search a bit to find romantasy you truly like. If I can make a rec from some popular works, it would be The Folk of the Air/Cruel Prince Trilogy (it’s actually YA but it’s really good). Good luck!

    • NotImportant Reply

      Thanks! This makes sense to me. And I can understand why those books are popular and don’t begrudge them that. I don’t think I’d be able to write something like that, ever, so I probably won’t enjoy it much either. Gotta wait out the wave I guess!

  5. Refugnic Reply

    I should’ve hid the daggers better…
    You should’ve gone and talk!
    But this, this is no laughing matter,
    it’s time to walk the walk.

    Say, why is Ada’s name on her shirt?
    That bothers you? For real?!
    Rumors can mean quite some hurt…
    …so this is how you feel?

    T’is not the time for idle chat!
    Doctor, I have a question…
    Why, oh why, did I know that…
    The doctor is in session.

    How comes she didn’t cut you too?
    And let you save these fellows?
    You just walked up and grabbed a few,
    walked right into the bellows!

    Oh, you see, I’ve got this thing…
    A charm? Do let me see!
    It works a lot like Hobbit’s ring,
    except my mind stays free.

    Nevertheless, when I get close,
    she cuts me all the same.
    So no knock out, no dousing hose,
    just have myself to blame.

    So now to you, my esteemed friends,
    do you have more suggestions?
    Cause this is where my wisdom ends,
    but you can still ask questions.

  6. Matheus Reply

    Just wondering, is Rob a wolf or a dog? Also, is Nina a bear? Those look like fluffy bear ears

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