
A quick rundown for those who managed to forget what happened since the knives first appeared~

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I’m in Sapporo this week! I’ll try to draw the next page according to the schedule but the last two days we’ve been doing 20km a day just walking around and exploring so we’ll see how that goes. This scene will already be long lol I don’t want to make it even longer…

From reading, I finished The Way of Shield but it was much lower quality then the other books of this author which I’ve read. I picked up the next volume in the overall series to see if it improves and the first 30% is much better. Hopefully that continues. I’m also still listening to The Will of The Many and still think the book is good. It’s a bit unorthodox in a sense that the MC doesn’t have much of a goal even though it really feels like he should, but interesting things are happening so it doesn’t bother me much. The world in that book is pretty unique and interesting.

Also, thanks for consolation and book recommendations! I’ll check out the books and add on my to-read list. It looks like this year will be a year of romantasy so I probably spare myself most of the upcoming titles lol I couldn’t stomach The Fourth Wing which is the flag title of the entire trend so I think it’s pointless.

My own writing is moving forward, finally. Hopefully it stays that way.

9 comments on “Explanation”

  1. HKMaly Reply

    Noone died yet? Great! It makes the motivation of the knives more complicated, but it’s a definitely good complication.

  2. Alex Reply

    Sapporo is nice! A couple of years ago I spent two weeks in Tomakomai, which is a lovely small town just 45 minutes away from Sapporo by bus, and I went to Sapporo as well. If you ever feel like seeing an original MIR space station from the inside, the astronomy museum in Tomakomai has one. They also have a port, and the Dormy Inn I was inn even has an onsen on the highest floor.
    And of course there’s a lot of landscape to explore if you feel like hiking 20km per day. 🙂

    @comic: Who said the line “It’s not so bad, Kasper”? The bubble is connected to what he says but it sounds like Nina’s saying it.
    Also I’m really curious to see what the new bad guy is trying to do here. Maybe he’s a blood sommelier.

  3. Sabreur Reply

    You know the situation is bad when “nobody has died yet” is the best thing you can say about it!

    Assuming they all survive, the group *definitely* needs a better policy for handling dangerous artifacts. Invest in a nice lockbox at the very least! Then again, it was implied that the daggers were actively seeking Sophia out, so maybe that wouldn’t have helped?

  4. Refugnic Reply

    “Worry not, it’s not so bad,”
    Nina tries reassuring.
    “How can’t it be?! Have you gone mad?!”
    “They aren’t beyond curing.’

    Sofia, thus far, hasn’t killed,
    but marked them with her cuts.
    She could have done so, had she willed,
    and rip out people’s guts.

    Marking people? Why would she?
    Kasper can’t understand.
    It ain’t Sofia, full of glee,
    Nina, give me a hand.

    Something else is inside her,
    dancing, laughing, cutting.
    She’s in the back seat, not the chaffeur,
    yet it didn’t start gutting.

    A possession’s what it is,
    the knives you brought held evil.
    Sensed her weakness, promised bliss,
    in exchange for retrieval.

    She must’ve found them at my place,
    and didn’t read the warning.
    And now she’s all ’bout knife and lace,
    I find that quite alarming.

    What then, Doctor, shall we do?
    How to stop this madness?
    Well, you could just run her through,
    if you don’t mind the sadness.

    But I suggest a spell instead,
    something to free her spirit.
    Hurry though, before she’s dead,
    for then, we cannot clear it.

  5. Gamer Reply

    Personally, I’ve been diving into the world of manhwa recently, and I’m very much enjoying! Solo Leveling is fantastic, The Greatest Estate Developer is hilarious(the artist does faces very well), and Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint is also a great read. I get a feeling it’ll be like Solo Leveling in the sense that I won’t want it to end.

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