Queen’s court

There were questions under the last week’s page. I hope this answers some of them 😉

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I said the same thing last week, but I’m tired and it’s late so I’ll be brief xD I had the writers’ meetup today so it was a very busy and exciting Sunday haha I’m really lucky to have found that meetup. Every month I learn something new (not even necessarily about my own writing). The only sad part is that they like my writing while the literary agents do not haha So far I sent 60 emails to agents from US and UK for the Mind Drummer and got 30 rejections. Maybe it’s too long, maybe I don’t know how to sell that story, or maybe I’m just not good enough yet. Who knows! Apart from querying, I’m gathering ideas for the next novel. I want to start writing something new in June and I have a couple options. Just gotta pick the most interesting one.

For reading, sadly I was only doing beta-reading for the writing meetup (there was a ton of submissions this month) and I started a novel beta-reading for a friend, so I can’t recommend anything haha. I started listening to audiobook though: Fundamentals: Ten Keys to Reality. I thought it would be more interesting. Four chapters in I haven’t learned anything, but I also have a diploma in theoretical physics so there’s that.

And hey, I’ve been posting some watercolor stuff on Discord, if you’re curious about that sort of thing. I’m trying to follow some videos I found on Youtube. Playing with paints is so relaxing… I’m sad I don’t have more time for it. But hey, rainy season is coming, so I might get stuck at home pretty soon hahaha Looking forward to it right now, actually.

15 comments on “Queen’s court”

  1. HKMaly Reply

    So, he could have as much sex as he wants and STILL do magic … but she won’t tell him.

    • Cheet4h Reply

      Depends on whether or not she realizes that. Not sure if this is actual dialogue, or just the silent notions of that being.

      If she hands out the invites and subconciously has set the rule that “magic requires purity”, the invite may be invalidated once the invitee is no longer “pure”, even if she’s not aware of that. It all depends on how much of this are conscious decisions.

      That said, it could also be that she’s suffering for her own reasons and just wants other people to suffer like she does. A selfish desire, but not something unheard of. And even that may not be a conscious decision.

  2. WitUnderPressure Camp dweller Reply

    I just remembered something.

    I don’t know if you’ve heard of the Smashwords website. Writers can list their stories there and set their own prices. I don’t know anything else about them though. Hopefully they have a good platform for you to earn money while you’re waiting.

    • NotImportant Reply

      I haven’t heard of that! Interesting. I’m not going to submit because I’m paid enough and if I publish stuff there then I won’t be able to publish it somewhere else. Because even if an agent doesn’t want my current book right now, they might want it later, when my other stories sell. So I’m keeping stuff in the drawer for now!
      Thanks for the info though, I had no idea something like this existed.

      • WitUnderPressure Camp dweller Reply

        Good to know. I imagine it’s disheartening to get rejections. It’s not easy to hear “Just be patient” all the time. Thanks for letting us know and see your art.

  3. Refugnic Reply

    It’s not ’bout age or purity,
    or any of that stuff.
    Since magic means security,
    no need to act all tough.

    The well of all your magic power,
    its spring’s been built by you.
    For you’re my queen, my little flower,
    for all that you’ve been through.

    Just look at him, all serious,
    in his futile ol’ struggle.
    For him, it’s all mysterious,
    for he is just a muggle.

    So what is it, that I must do?
    You must make him your own.
    But be advised, allow just few,
    or you will fade alone.

    So now it’s done, he’s now aboard,
    for better or for worse.
    He’s now a member of your court.
    A blessing? Or a curse?

    • NotImportant Reply

      I really like that last stanza <3 A blessing? or a curse? indeed!

  4. Just_IDD Reply

    Have you thought about Self Publishing? A friend of mine has his Drables book on Amazon and Smashwords. The Amazon is either Kindle or Print on Demand.

    If you can show the publishers that it is selling, then they may be more interested.

    • NotImportant Reply

      I did, I work for Amazon and in Kindle so I’m very familiar with the idea. Everyone at work is asking me and I have friends to tried it. The problem with self-publishing is that you need to do all the marketing yourself, and I dread that thought. It’s not that easy to sell thousands of books. I’ll keep trying to go the traditional route and if I feel that I’m at the peak of my ability and still not getting an agent, then I’ll probably try self-pub just to get those stories out there.

  5. Rateus Camp dweller Reply

    “Not a court but a sinking ship”

    Sinking ships have been a consistent theme for this story 😉

    • NotImportant Reply

      Lol was it that bad so far? I thought it wasn’t that bad hahaha

      • Matheus Reply

        The only ship that isn’t sinking in this story is Nina and the doc lol

  6. Bret Reply

    Wait so she literally ruined this guys love life for no reason. God damn, between this and Robert she’s pretty cold

    • Matheus Reply

      Uh, she didn’t ruin anything… It was his own choice to dump her over magic. I’m quite sure he would’ve done it anyway.

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