Uh oh

The assistant is not impressed.

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How are you guys doing? I’m really tired, I need to admit. Jetlag let me sleep this time around but I’m definitely super tired and balancing work with the comic this week was a real challenge. Those who frequent Replay’s Discord channel know that I managed to draw Nina’s eyes in a wrong color without realizing it for 2 days while working on the comic lol And now the weekend is ending and I still don’t feel particularly lively. Please support Replay on Patreon so that I can retire early and focus on making art and writing books hahaha

As for books, I didn’t do much reading this week because reading made me even more sleepy. Maybe I need more engaging stories, not sure. I managed to write down a good chunk of the next book’s outline though! It will be about snow, reindeers, witches, and magic based on blood and bones. I’m super excited for it and I’m hoping to start drafting it this week, as long as I can keep my eyes open in the morning when I usually write. Instead of reading, I watched Moon Knight over the weekend and I can recommend it! It’s just 6 episodes but it’s a lot of fun. Check it out!

Well, see you guys next week! Thanks for reading! πŸ™‚

6 comments on “Uh oh”

  1. Alex Reply

    Oh shoot. Their relationship just began and they already have one of those “we need to talk” moments.

  2. Refugnic Reply

    Once packed up, he’s musing on,
    ’bout weapons that could be.
    To bring an end to hell’s vile spawn,
    maybe an E.M.P.

    Cross the threshold, mind your step,
    no tearing down this tape.
    Alas, our man and thanks to prep,
    got back without a scrape.

    While musing on, bout samples missed,
    whose magic is long gone.
    Awaits the girl he wished he’d kissed,
    she waits for him since dawn.

    ‘Where have you been’, she asks quite stern,
    her stance says ‘I’m not happy’.
    A lesson he has yet to learn,
    the truth and make it snappy.

    Won’t take lies, won’t take excuses,
    my friend, you’re beyond saving.
    Won’t take lightly to your bruises,
    you’d better start behaving.

    T’is an angel you’ve invited,
    and she’ll do all she can.
    T’is a fire that you’ve lighted,
    now bear what you began.

    Angels, Devils, all the same,
    it’s all ’bout where you’re standing.
    And this one here, has made her claim,
    get ready for some ranting.

  3. Klorix Camp dweller Reply

    Gosh, he really went alone… Go, Nina, talk some common sense into his nerd brain!

    • Alex Reply

      Do you know about that sentence “Let’s eat, Grandpa!” that changes its meaning when you remove the comma? πŸ˜€

      • Refugnic Reply

        Haha, I do remember that. ‘Commas can save lives! Use them.’
        That said, maybe that’s the issue. After all, he’s rather spending time with random corpses than the beautiful lady that’s sharing his tent. πŸ˜€

        Seriously though, leaving the protection circle is dangerous, so I’d assume that Nina’s just been worried (instead of jealous).

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