Don’t disappear

He’s not scared of being stabbed.

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The last two pages of this chapter are on Patreon now!

I can’t think of anything to write. It’s hot in Tokyo, work is tiring. I finished reading the next book in Maradaine series: The Fenmere Job and started I think the last one in this “phase” of the story. There were several issues with this one (like a bow being destroyed but someone using it a couple pages later or one of the main villains getting poisoned and then just appearing later on, perfectly healthy – kind of big problems, I’d say hahaha) but it was still a very fast and enjoyable read. I recommend the whole thing, if anyone feels like reading 12 books of action and magic haha More about the series on the author’s page, if you’re interested:

What else… I’m still writing my own stuff, thinking about what next I want to write, and also trying to work on the final chapter of the Historia VN. Do you guys still remember that one? It’s being worked on haha

Well, see you guys next week!

17 comments on “Don’t disappear”

  1. Thisguy Reply

    Big brother mode. Yeah, he’s everyone’s big brother now.

    Also… he was possessed as well, if only for a moment. He’s the only one who might understand.

  2. Refugnic Reply

    Hey there, Kasper, how are you?
    Will go soon, just sort things through.
    You’ll have more time, more space, more room,
    I’d take a sweep, but have no broom.

    Sophie, dearest, don’t your dare,
    I wish you best, hope well you fare,
    Stay hidden, close, and don’t stray far,
    there’s home for you where these arms are.

    But Kasper, no, this cannot be,
    with me still here, you can’t be free.
    I’ve messed up big, don’t have the right,
    so please don’t act the shining knight.

    Come back, my dear, if you get hurt,
    or hungry, lonely, say the word.
    Don’t disappear, I need to here.
    There’s many things, you’ve yet to hear.

    But Kasper, no, this isn’t right.
    I am infested, chained by light.
    It’s Cheeto’s fingers, can’t you see?
    The snake knife’s grip won’t set me free.

    Chained or not, won’t give you up,
    sister, lover, kitten, pup.
    No matter by which other name,
    I like you lots, it’s all the same.

    Your feel’s misguided, has no worth,
    I’d best be gone from this dear earth!
    I shouldn’t be here, am a danger!
    Don’t love me please, for I’m a stranger.

    A stranger? No. I know you well.
    You’re headstrong, agile, can’t do spell.
    Can’t cook, can’t fight, but that’s okay.
    You’re not alone. We’ll find a way.

    But Kasper, no, what do you say?
    I must be gone, must go away!
    Why must you make this so damn hard?
    Why can’t you hate me? Play your part?

    I couldn’t hate you, know your pain,
    have lost too much, am barely sane.
    Can’t lose you too, not now, not ever,
    these bonds we share, I cannot sever.

    But Kasper, well, I guess it’s good,
    I’ll stay around, for shelter, food.
    Thanks for your kindness, Laura’s too.
    …and with your help, we’ll see this through.

  3. Alex Reply

    Poor Sofia, I hope she doesn’t die.
    I guess if I were in their shoes I would’ve taken the time to hold a public trial so that everyone gets more info on what happened, with e.g. Filip being able to attest that she was possessed, and maybe the punishment for her stealing the knives could be some duty nobody else wants to do. I mean, it looks like they got enough time for something like that, i.e. they don’t have to forage day and night just to keep everyone fed. On that note, I wonder if these people have a digestive system like humans or if they can also eat grass or bark when push comes to shove. Man, I wish I could do that.

    • T3hOgre Reply

      Maybe NI gave us some spoilers (that is my hope anyway) in her drawings from a wayze ways back. I won’t say more unless they were just test spoilers – you’ll have to go peekin’ abouts yourselfs – just to say one involves the rescue of a chicken. But then they zags, when we all think they’s gonna zigs. ‘Sides we may get more action seein’s, some screamin’s and purdy monsters dripping all manner of goo and endtrails if folks gets banned from the camp.

      • Alex Reply

        Ah, I know which one you mean. Looks like her pants are striped blue/white. Also Laura’s gonna be a really great spear thrower.

        • T3hOgre Reply

          Whatever doesn’t pull out your entrails and chew them sloppily, scattering them about the forest floor making an end of your trail and leaves missing an eye with a limp makes you stronger I always say.

          I like to think that folks have already been banned before (I most surely would have been already – Refugnic would have banned me for run-on sentences, lack of proper punctuation, made up words, and just poor grammer πŸ˜‰ ), or live as rangers in the woods gathering items the camps need for trade. Laura and her network of spies leave cans of beans at the edge of the camp on rocks or by trees (occasionally a tee shirt that reads “Banned in 24 Countries” and has tour dates on the back, or “Fetch”) – Sofa-cat will find friends. Or some of the dudes hitting on her in the beginning will find it unfair she’s being banned and want to “join” her in the woods only to have her push them out from their hiding place when the monsters come so they eat them first. OOOOR NI, who has been trying hard to kill her off from the beginning but knows Sofa has an incel fanbase and was afraid of the revolt, will have her waving over her shoulder as she steps out of the camp only to be eaten immediately by a Bus-type demon who then stomps on her remains and runs back into the forest, causing everyone to flinch for a second and then go back about their business. It’s prolly that one πŸ™‚

          • Refugnic

            I’m not the grammar police and where ‘kicking someone out’ very likely equals ‘a swift and quite potentially painful death’, I think that people would get away with quite a bit more crap before actually getting kicked out.
            The death penalty shouldn’t be handed out lightly after all.

            There’s far better punishments for misconduct.

  4. Howard Reply

    hmm never occurred to me before but may haps Kasper could have caught some feels lol

    • T3hOgre Reply

      NI BANNED me for 3 minutes on her Patreon for shamelessly saying the same thing. Sofa-cat’s face in panel four is relief that Kasper (someone) finally grabbed her hiney (buttox for our European friends)!

      Oh wait, you actually meant that he little sistered her and felt all weepy – nevermind then. I read caught as copped.

      Once you see it you can’t unsee it… πŸ™‚ I will return to lurking about.

  5. LordViking Reply

    Poor thing, but at least she is reminded there are still people in the camp who love and care about her.

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