The knight
Come Filip, it’s your big moment!
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Well! I’m back from Seattle and not so sleepy anymore. I guess life is finally back to normal and there should be no more breaks in Replay (unless I get super sick or something). I’m also trying to get back to working on Historia’s third and final installment and my novel. I feel like this year has been very unproductive somehow, and it wasn’t from the lack of trying… All the stress and tiredness is mostly coming from work but I’m hoping that will stop now.
From reading… I started reading Cat’s Cradle because I was told that my whimsical novel (I shared some chapters with my Meetup group) is similar in voice to the author and damn, that was a serious compliment, this guy is good! It’s an older book, so it might feel weird to some, but I’m loving it so far and I’m in 25%. Apart from that, I’m still listening to Lady Henterman’s Wardrobe (from Maradaine series) but I switched to drawing the comics in the morning and I somehow end up listening to audiobooks less. I guess it’s hard to switch two habits at the same time. Will probably finish this book next week.
I hope you guys are doing good. I’m a bit excited because we’ll we wrapping up this chapter soon! It’s been quite long!
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