Well, at least she hit it? That was a feat on its own.
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I hope you’re enjoying Ada’s face on the last panel. That was very amusing to draw. Sometimes I regret not putting more silly faces in this comic but I’m not used to doing it. Oh well. You still get them from time to time!
I’m very busy, mostly with Historia. I need to update LucidA96’s Patreon and show off all the progress I’m made in the last two weeks. There’s still a lot to do, but I’m trying not to count the remaining assets and focus on drawing instead. Otherwise, I start freaking out and that doesn’t make the work go any faster. The novel is moving forward as well but slower. Editing is hard and I really need a lot of focus if it’s to be worth anything… I’m trying to do it in the morning when I’m least tired. Then work, then Replay / Historia. Very busy.
I’ve started reading The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher (I’m in the second volume now) and I’m both good and bad, I guess. I like the narration, the characters annoy me from time to time but not too bad, but the plot is sometimes very weird. Especially in the second volume – there are 4 types of werewolves, introduced in a huge infodump at the beginning of the story and then they appear, one after another, mostly to just make the main character more miserable. I’m not sure why we need all those various types. It feels like quantity over quality kind of thing and I honestly can’t remember the tiny differences between them from the infodump at the start so… Ehhh maybe the third volume will be better. I’m listening to those as I draw, by the way. Audiobooks are great.
Well, that’s all I have, enjoy the page and I shall finish the lineart for the next Historia CG π
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