Hold your tongue
Hold your tongue, Ada! Your jealousy is spilling out.
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It seems like she’s already forgotten that she was supposed to keep her distance and leave the poor guy alone. Or maybe being close again makes it harder to control the emotions? Either way, a lot is going to happen on that little trip to town!
By the way, if you’re interested in Japanese swords and how to clean them properly, I used this as a reference: https://dengarden.com/cleaning/How-to-Clean-a-Japanese-Katana-and-Saya
What else, whenever I have time I try to work on Historia’s second chapter. It’s going well, I sketched out a whole pile of new assets to draw and it’s starting to take shape! There’s still a long way to go but I’ve learned a lot while making the first chapter so now I know how to manage myself better. I’m super excited for this chapter (I know, I keep repeating this) and I hope you guys will enjoy… Ahhh I cant wait!!!
And I’ll be going to Hakuba next week, going to take a break from work, stare at the mountains and maybe hike if the weather allows. Not a smart move to go to the mountains during the rainy season but I need a break. I’m becoming irritable from being tired and that’s not cool. My teammates are all fantastic people and I’m kind of scared I’ll start taking out my weariness on them xD Nope. Let’s just go to the mountains. Sounds like a better plan.
And finally! THANK YOU KINDLY FOR ALL YOUR VOTES! This is amazing, we’re up like a 100 positions on TWC, you guys are crazy! The second page of the mini-comic is still up if you haven’t seen it yet but it’s going to change tomorrow! Vote and catch them all if you can! ;D
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