Unpleasant memory 2
I hope you haven’t forgotten that we are collecting spells here! This one appears only in Ada’s scribbles for now, but it’s been so long since I’ve added something new to the Spells page that I just couldn’t resist. I believe you will spot the obvious differences right away. But I wonder if you will be able to figure out the why’s… If not – have no fear, as I plan to explain every tiny little detail. At some point ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
There is one page of the flashback left. Do you guys have any idea why is she pondering about all this right now? Why is she upset with herself while thinking about it? I hope I am at least giving you some ideas!
And here’s the new pentacle in all its grace, for the easy reference~ Hopefully it won’t rain too much. I prefer my autumns to be dry and sunny…
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