Too shy

Someone’s angry! But don’t worry, she’ll get over it soon. She is bad at losing haha~ Enjoy some Filip in the meantime, we’ll have a couple of pages with him before we get back to Ada and the gang that formed around her and Robert.

You got really serious about those comments and votes. Do you realize how sad I’ll be when you guys get bored? ლ(╹◡╹ლ) I said it in the comments last week but I might as well repeat myself here – being in Japan is kind of lonely since all my friends are in Poland and they are either at work or asleep when I’m awake. So reading through the constant influx of comments brightens my day considerably ♡

I was hard at work last week, apart from a small trip to the mountains (gotta exercise myself if I want to climb that Fuji huh) I’ve been working on job interviews preparations and some secret stuff for Replay hehe~ You’ll find out when I’m done. I only posted a small WIP-shot on Patreon. Look forward to the surprise! And thank you for the best wishes for the job hunt. I’m planning to get a different job than my actual work experience and switching is always hard but I figured I had enough time to try doing it instead of digging an even deeper hole under my feet.

Well, enjoy the page! \(-ㅂ-)/ ♥ ♥ ♥ Oh! And there’ll be two new vote incentives this week, one already up and another coming soon (two episodes of First Steps)~!

149 comments on “Too shy”

  1. bitflipper Camp dweller Reply

    Okay, what does Nina’s tee-shirt say?

    (I swear it! I was only reading her bre… Er, “tee-shirt”!)

    • Klorix Camp dweller Reply

      I wonder (and I’ll be blunt about it 😉 )
      Is there text on shirts because we are going to look at the boobs anyway, or does the text actually – intentionally – lead to people looking at boobs?

      • JW Reply

        Y’know, I’ll be honest with you. Before reading Bitflipper’s and Chris’s posts, I hadn’t noticed there was any text on her shirt. But I had noticed how nice and shiny and wonderfull her hair looked.
        (It’s also when I started to check if there was anything else I missed and noticed the book.)

        • NiWo21k Reply

          It just shows how much we are focust on the story and the characters for not noticing all of the small details NI is starting puting into the pages – and that – in my opinion – show how good she is creating this comic 🙂

        • Klorix Camp dweller Reply

          Can’t say much more. Nina is very beautiful!
          As I’m focusing on eyes on this page, I will also add that her amber eyes and brown hair are a great match.
          And – will I say it? … Yes I will – if you ask me, she’s got a nive pair of legs, too

          I also started to try finding all the easter eggs NI is hiding for us.

  2. bitflipper Camp dweller Reply

    :-DDD That is so appropriate to the camp’s situation!!

  3. Dragon Master Reply

    Hey NI, thought you had a few more guys to become Magical Girls before you got back to the backstory. Did you change your mind or did I miss them? (I’ve been away most of the week)

    • NiWo21k Reply

      She is working on different things (like the part she mentioned above under the page). The rest will come when its time, be patiend 😉

    • NotImportant Reply

      Haha they were faster than me – yeah, I plan to draw the rest, just wanted to give you guys something new as a vote incentive since I had two episodes ready 🙂

  4. NiWo21k Reply

    I just love Adas stare… even for her small frame she is able to beat (nearly) everyone down with that, and if this doesnt work she can always rely on her cuteness 😛

    And Nina is wright, even in the apocalypse one of the things everyone needs is a working shower how else would you get off all the demon blood 😀

    • bitflipper Camp dweller Reply

      Oh, you just let it dry and then you rub it off; demon blood makes a great exfoliant! ;-p

      • JW Reply

        If it’s anything like dragon blood, it might even give you special powers like invulnerability. (But make sure you don’t have a leaf stuck somewhere, that leaves you vulnerable in a spot because it wasn’t covered by blood.)

        • Refugnic Reply

          You’ll also need the cape of invisibility (which also gives you the strength of ten men) for the full package, let’s not forget that.

          • NiWo21k

            But how will you sell it to the others:
            “Please bath in the blood of our enemies it makes you stronger!” “No, no i am not crazy, look it up! Please stay” “No i am not a satanist, really!” ……
            “This just looks like blood, but its in reality a very new beauty product that just happends to be found in the midds of an demon apocalypse”

          • Refugnic

            The second one sounds a lot more persuasive, that’s for sure.

            ‘Sure, it LOOKS gross and sure, the little meaty tidbits floating in it do look a little like they’re ready to eat you from the inside out, but I assure you that you will never find a more nutritious soup in this brave new world of ours.’

            On a side note, if they complain about how the food looks, they aren’t desperate enough yet.
            Or their bathing water supply for that matter.

          • JW

            “Please bath in the blood of our enemies it makes you stronger!”

            Say no more, you had me at “Please bath in the blood of our enemies”.

          • Klorix Camp dweller

            Bathing in the enemy’s blood is good, but isn’t eating their hearts (strength), liver (resilience?), brains (intelligence) even more powerful?!

            So, who wants a bite? … Nobody?

            Yeah ok, the brains might not be that useful anyway, and noone would wants to get mad demon disease either…

          • NiWo21k

            I think after seeing how they look nobody would take a bite out of them – unless some overrated tv-chef, internet blogger, food critic will say they are the new sensation – ok but even then i would say, nobody would try it – who knows where they played before going on the next killing spree.

          • JW

            Bathing in the enemy’s blood is good, but isn’t eating their hearts (strength), liver (resilience?), brains (intelligence) even more powerful?!

            Ewww. liver is disgusting.
            Besides, it has too much vitamin A in it, you could die if you eat too much.

          • Klorix Camp dweller

            Just throwing in some stereotypes about so-called primitive cultures. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

            Is that so? Liver can kill you? Demon liver probably will…

            I don’t like the thought of eating innards either. But I’m not a vegetarian by far.

          • NiWo21k

            I know so many people who like this stuff (no not the ones from demons) – i cant even stand the smell when its prepared -.-

            But for the killing part – lets look it at this way: We have so much feed that we eat daily that could kill us, so i would put this point very low on the list with point “Why its not wise to eat things like liver from demons”.

          • JW

            i would put this point very low on the list with point “Why its not wise to eat things like liver from demons”.

            Top of the list is the demons don’t like it when you try.

    • JW Reply

      Is he reading that book upside down? Seems like it says “E.L. James” on the front, but upside down.

      • JW Reply

        I hope he borrowed that from someone for lack of literally anything else to find.

          • NotImportant

            Ahaha you guys noticed, that’s great xD I think he’s just pretending to be reading lol

          • NiWo21k

            Hey lets cut him some slack, he was stared down by Ada – everyone would be to distracted by this – So he first dropped his book and then just started reading the way he picked it up 😉

          • JW

            I think he only dropped it when he went to carry Sophia’s toolbox like a real gent.

          • JW

            Err, whoops, I meant Nina, not Sophia..
            I can tell them apart, honest.

          • Klorix Camp dweller

            That’s because his parents ALWAYS told him to look with the eyes, not with his hands. So, duh.

            He should better not try wielding a hammer, I think.

          • JW

            That’s because his parents ALWAYS told him to look with the eyes, not with his hands.

            Especially when text on t-shirts are concerned 😉

            okay maybe he can hammer it in with his mind, who knows….

            Psychokinesis! I guess it’s a kind of magic?

          • NiWo21k

            I dont think there is a problem with a hammer… who has ever told their child to look the nail into the board 😛 – okay maybe he can hammer it in with his mind, who knows….

          • JW

            Whoops, now it looks like I replied to something that was later.
            Oh, well, confusion is the spice of life.

      • Refugnic Reply

        You, Sir, have either a too big monitor, too good eyes or too much time examining every single pixel. 😀

        • NiWo21k Reply

          Or he is a patreon supporter who has access to the high-resolution version of this page where it could be seen clearly (even if i just had to look it up because i didnt noticed it myself when the page was released there 😀 )

          • JW

            Nah, I’m totally a freeloader, so just regular resolution for me.

            But I noticed something was written there. I couldn’t quite make it out, though, so I took my imageviewer, cut out the book, changed the contrast a bit, magnified it and turned it right-side-up. And then I could read it.

          • Klorix Camp dweller

            I just zoomed in 300 %

            Wasn’t any good for the cat food, however.

  5. JW Reply

    Why do they need showers if Ada can just cast a spell for “wonderful, heavy rains” 😛

    • NiWo21k Reply

      It not only washes the dirt away it also doubles for a great mud massage … no to think of it there are so many possibillities, Ada should have opend her own beauty saloon a long time ago 😛

    • NotImportant Reply

      Lol heavy rain once a week makes everyone clean! As long as they stay away from the puddles, that is.

      • NiWo21k Reply

        Hey, Ada has just to check if she has a magic spell that not just protects them from the demons, but maybe also acts as an magical umbrella – ok, then there will be only one problem: Who is brave to go showering 😛

        • NotImportant Reply

          You shower and at the same time get all sweaty from the stress lol

        • Refugnic Reply

          Those who sacrifice their privacy for their safety deserve neither…wait, I think I got that wrong. 😛

          Besides, why would they need a ‘magic umbrella’ if they’ve got good old run-of-the-mill tents and good ol’ rubber boots?
          Furthermore, wouldn’t it be fair to assume that if there’s a spell for heavy rain, there’s also a spell for evaporation?

          Now, where did I put my ‘weather wizard 101’ again…? 🙂

        • JW Reply

          I’m sure Robert wouldn’t mind protecting the girls with his sword while they shower in the rain.
          Maybe a tad distracting, though.

          • Klorix Camp dweller

            You think he’d have the guts to even risk a glance?

          • NiWo21k

            I would think more about:
            Robert looking in the direction of the demons, while one part is showering, and the other part is watching from behind the secure magical field – so now the question whats more problematic?

          • JW

            You think he’d have the guts to even risk a glance?

            What about the risk of not glancing? There’s at least one that would probably want him to at least want to look at her that way. While maybe not actually wanting him to look, at the same time. So he should try to pretend to try to glance but also obviously not actually doing it at the same time, while also not getting killed by demons.
            Life is so hard for male protagonists.

            so now the question whats more problematic?

            Jealousy or curiosity?

            Oh wait, you mean protecting their privacy or their lives. Well, depends, if they’re going to be some embarrassed they could just die, then obviously privacy.

          • Klorix Camp dweller

            Poor Rob indeed.
            Even if a demon appeared in the middle of the girls and he saved all their lives, he would be in for some big trouble from our beloved tsundere.

            Talking like this, we look like a bunch of teenage boys trying to find a way of peeping into the girl’s changing room. On the other hand my girlfriend would say that I kind of act like a teenager, so I’ll just enjoy myself here.

          • NiWo21k

            There is always someone who is the person who will be blameworthy for everything that happens – and in some way Robert just fits this role – i know i am mean, sorry.

            And the rest is quick explained: Its one of the rules on the internet -> everyone looks like a creep in some way

  6. Dragon Master Reply

    The unspoken conversation that happens on this page:
    “Well that was awkward.”
    “Ugh, I can’t believe those guys.”
    “WHAT you got something to say?!”
    “… nevermind.”

  7. Klorix Camp dweller Reply

    First thoughts as ussual:

    Exasperated Ada still super cute. I’d like to pat her, but I’m afraid I’d lose at least a hand doing that.
    So it was Filip in the background a few pages back.
    Who could even stand up against Ada’s gaze? Avert your face, lesser being!
    Love the subtext: “Why are you reading, while people are busy improving the camp?”
    Plus the thing he’s reading… 😀
    ♥ ♥ Nina’s expression in the last panel.
    Can’t wait for Filip to try copying their pentacles. But not now. First has to help his significant other.

    NotImportant, I cannot tell you how much I enjoy every new page!

    • Klorix Camp dweller Reply

      Forgot to say really like Filip’s eye colour.
      I know we saw it earlier, but I didn’t pay attention.

    • JW Reply

      Exasperated Ada still super cute. I’d like to pat her, but I’m afraid I’d lose at least a hand doing that.

      Ehh, worth it.

    • NotImportant Reply

      I’m very happy to hear that you do! Please continue to enjoy \(-ㅂ-)/ ♥ ♥ ♥

  8. Jrdivwe Reply

    Im sitting here reading through the archives….I ran out of pages to read.

    I guess im caught up with everyone else now.

      • Refugnic Reply

        What do you mean ‘enjoyed’?
        What’s the past tense for?
        The ride has only just begun!

        The pessimist says: It goes downhill.
        The optimist shouts: Wheee!


          • NotImportant

            Haha good one indeed! And you are right, Ref, there’s much MUCH more coming~! (ノ・∀・)ノ

  9. NotImportant Reply

    I just woke up and read through every little bit of absurd you guys wrote when I was sleeping xD So many comments! I think I never woke up to this many new ones lol

    About the text on the t-shirts – there is a reason behind those or more precisely: a person producing them. It’ll be shown later but I’m pretty sure you can guess who’s the camp’s self-proclaimed fashion designer haha~

    Glad you like the page and if you ever try a demon liver please let me know if it was any good!

      • Doom Reply

        Heh. Of course Ada will be shipped with Filip. She’s the female lead, at one time or another she will be shipped with all of the boys and most or all of the girls. Though I get the impression Filip belongs to Nina, so those people commenting on Tapas are *probably* safe from having to see Ada date Filip.

        • Adriano Reply

          The only ship I consent for is Ada x Faust!! Best ship ever, trust me. Totally torpedoe-proof

          • Refugnic


            I know, I’m ashamed of myself. 😛

            Regarding your favorite ship…well, quite honestly, while cheaper women tend to be attracted to guys with power, Ada’s the type to kick them in the butt and show them that their ‘strive for power’ is nothing but a substitute for lacking in a different department.

            Speaking of which, and it probably has been said before, but how the demon apocalypse came to be:
            Adam: Would you go out with me?
            Ada: Only if you were the last man on Earth.
            Adam: …where did I put that forbidden spell book…?

            Someone’s bound to have cracked that joke before, right?

          • antrik

            I object to the “cheap women” part. Success is *always* attractive — the differences are “only” in how various people measures success…

          • Refugnic

            Cause I forgot:
            So you do not consent to the ships Sofia x Robert or Filip x Nina either?
            Just to name two of the other likely (or even default) ones.

          • JW

            Frankly I know faaaaar too little of Faust to ship him with anyone or anything or (to) anywhere. Best guess, he started the demon apocalypse and so probably isn’t a very nice person. And I like Ada, so I would be disinclined to ship them.
            Anyway, aside from that, I’m perfectly willing to ship any number and combination of consenting adults, given enough postage. ‘Course OTPs is a different matter, but really not an objection for intermediate ships.

        • Tzaphqiel Reply

          Yeah, I’d kind of have to agree with Nina and Filip being an item, considering that we saw them kissing a few pages ago.
          Yes, I know that canonical relationships have no bearing on who people will ship (the RWBY fandom is very clear evidence of that, not to mention Ryohgo Narita being not only happy with people shipping any characters from Durarara! but actually encouraging some, including Shizuo x Izaya of all things). I’d still say that PDAs like that are kind of a suggestion as to who is or is not taken.

          • JW

            I took me a few moments to figure out what PDAs meant. But that’s probably because I’m still waiting for someone to invent a personal digital assistant to shower me with public private displays of affection.

          • JW

            (NB, private because I’m too shy, not cause it’d be to lewd for in public.)

    • NiWo21k Reply

      As long as we can brighten up your morning we will post this way 😛

      And about the shirt designs, why do i have the feeling the person in question is not only the one who does the cloth designs but also looks after the rations and if a demon attacks relies on a person thats big and seems able to fight against Ada 😉

      • Refugnic Reply

        I think you meant to say ‘stand up to her’, actually.
        Just a bit of semantics.

        But yeah, I can totally see Laura designing those shirts. 😀

        • JW Reply

          Hmm, I don’t see Laura as a “I’m too sober for this” type, considering she’s a minor. Course she might write slogans that don’t apply to her just because they’re funny, but eh.

          • NiWo21k

            Maybe she just puts up slogans she has heard somewhere, or she just asked around or she just found a book with slogans – maybe i am also total wrong and she found a crate with different shirts….

          • NotImportant

            Or maybe you are wrong about Laura being the fashion diva ;D

          • NiWo21k

            Could be, but its just the one that fits the best in my eyes (and i think she also was the first we saw with these kind of sloagn shirts) – Ada doesnt care what she wares (as long as its practical in my eyes), Sofia, i think she would choose something else, just from her own appearance and i cant see Nina in this role either…. Ok maybe she would do this but then we have seen to little of her – and on the other side Filip, again not much we have him seen doing (ok running and reading), Robert (to occupied with fighting, treating his wounds and trying to stay on Adas good side, as long nobody is near) and Kasper, no he has a lot more on his plate then looking out what someone has on.
            The only one left is Stefen – ok it would fit to his personallity we were first introduced – but again i cant see him in this role after what happend to Renate

            Or you are so evil and just let us guess and in the end there comes a character along we have only seen once and this is the new camp designer 😛

          • antrik

            @NiWo21k your analysis mostly matches my own thinking… Until I realised one important detail: while it might feel like Laura started it with the “Boring Day As Always” shirt, actually the first one was Stefen’s “Thinking Cap”. Also, “Too Sober For This” would *totally* match his style as far as I can tell.

            I’d say the shirt he is wearing himself on the next page kinda seals it… I have to admit I’m also a bit surprised that he’d be the one to bother; but if it has to be one of the main cast, that’s who I’d put my money on.

          • JW

            On the other hand, we do know Ada likes to draw on things. Like mustaches on umbrella-handles, magic circles on the ground, etc.

          • JW

            One thing I hadn’t considered yet, is that Nina is the art student of the bunch.

          • Klorix Camp dweller

            I did notice, but decided that Nina obviously has more serious business to attend to.

            I figured that Laura as their current stock manager (probably not alone) happened to find some paint and decided to help lift the mood of the people.

          • JW

            Maybe Faust sneaks into the camp at night to prank this band of survivors. 😛

          • NiWo21k

            But would an art student do such simple designs? – This is an honest question, because all of the art students and designers i knew all go a simple route, but never this simple (there has always be some “style” – whatever that means – behind it).

          • NiWo21k

            Faust? Maybe 😉 – just that he can say at the end “I was always there, and always watching and messing with you guys” 😀 “But you never noticed me 🙁 “

          • JW

            But would an art student do such simple designs?

            Effective minimalism is an art in itself.
            Though perhaps, that would be more like a single well-placed dot on a T-shirt.

          • NiWo21k

            Thats what i mean – a slogan on a shirt is something just to “normal” – because its an great recent example, just look at the new patreon logo -.-

          • NotImportant

            Omg I just saw the new logo haha Looks like a pong game to me

          • NiWo21k

            Oh, thats also a good comparison 🙂
            I was thinking more about a kindergarten kid trying out his new watercolor set and just started drawing a brick and a ball 😀

          • NotImportant

            I don’t see how their previous logo was bad, why would they want to re-brand so badly? Weird.

          • NiWo21k

            I don´t know? But i don´t understand the whole design change at all. I mean i have no problems modernising something, but here it just looks like they wanted to be something totally different and dont want to been see who they are.

            When i first saw the new UI (some days ago they seemed to accidentaly aktivated it) i thought i landed in someones email account (ok some of the cahnges arent that bad, but changing your color palette from red/white/black to black/white seems strange) and the logo isnt recognizable – it looks like some techfirm but everytime i see it i dont see it as the patreon logo. It was in its own way unique and this looks like every other modern logo (or better even like some old logos from 20 years ago). Lets see where this is going, but normaly having such extreme changes arent a good sign :-/

  10. Adriano Reply

    He’s totally the apprentice Ada needs

    After all, there’s always’ve been two of them. One master and one apprentice.

    • Refugnic Reply

      I think you may be confusing them with the Sith right there. 😛

      Plus, Ada is far from being a master herself, just a bit more advanced than most.
      An advanced learner.

      So if anything, Filip could be her study partner.

        • NiWo21k Reply

          She can ask me anytime to come to the dark side – even if i know she will use her power only to torture me 😛

          • Doom

            Ada wearing Sith robes, force lightning in one hand and a lightsaber (redder than a Laigrek’s eye, of course) in the other. Pretty!

          • NotImportant

            Now Faust kind of fits the picture as her partner hahaha~

      • Klorix Camp dweller Reply

        I think that once they have the book and Filip finds out about his possible magic abilities, he will quickly surpass Ada.

        You’ll ask me why I think that: Just look at what he is reading now. Granted, this might be a matter of taste, but even a book you like will eventually get boring. And the Key of Solomon will at least provide some change.

        I hope our friends (and thus we) soon learn what enables some of them to use magic and others not.

        • NiWo21k Reply

          I thought more in a different direction. I think he will focus more on the offence spells while Ada is more the defence magic spell user (with a big sword). But in both cases i am on your side, that he might be stronger at the end then Ada.

          • Klorix Camp dweller

            Speaking of swords, they show that there are many variations of magic available: there’s the Hebrew(?) magic with the Key of Solomon, Robert’s katanas are engraved with Japanese writing and I’ll bet that wherever Ada’s future weapon will have that culture’s language on it (unless they create it themselves with the help of the magic they have access to, as the painting in the gallery suggests).

          • NiWo21k

            If i recall correctly NotImportant said somewhere in the comments (burried under all our creativity) that we will learn more about them in the future and how they got thire weapons. So i think she will tell us more about why there are so these variaties while the story progresses.

          • Klorix Camp dweller

            I certainly expect to learn more about any kind of magic at some point of the story, the canon info. But no rush. Guessing, theorising about the magic and discussing is a great deal of the fun. 🙂

  11. Klorix Camp dweller Reply

    I find it amusing how human Nina looks because her floppy ears almost completely blend in with her wonderful hair.
    And what change since her first appearance.

    Don’t get me wrong. I like it very much. 🙂

    • NiWo21k Reply

      I think whats more amusing is the fact, that even if she is one of the younger members of our little survival groupe she looks older (ok, bevor now all of the female readers start creating vodoo dolls of me – i meant she apears older in the way she behaves – so please put them back) and seems to fit perfect into the mother role of them 😉

      • NotImportant Reply

        Why do you guys keep saying that she’d be a good mother? 😀 She’d just laugh at you if she heard that. Maybe wondered about it a little… and concluded that maybe if she found a decent father for her children… which is highly unlikely given the small number of available candidates 😛 Hm, that actually makes me wonder, who of the guys would make a decent father…? What do you think?

        • NiWo21k Reply

          Very easy – even if she started like a very different character (the first time she was introduced) i think since the part after hte demon attack on the camp the way she reacted after finding Stefen in the aftermath 😉

          And Father, oh boy, i would say of all of the characters we know – at the moment no one – you just cant give any of them a child, it would end in desaster, even them all together would be an accident waiting to happen 😛

        • Klorix Camp dweller Reply

          Because, duh.
          (Just joking, I know that’s just “random” art.)

          I don’t think I ever said that, but she first did appear to be a very caring character. Now I can see that it only looked like it. In reality it’s just what I will now call extended selfishness. 😉 I can totally relate to that, I do that and it works quite well. Let me try to explain what I mean:
          We have a good basic example here. Extended selfishness is just that: Nina will help build the showers, which will look like a very social thing to do, but she’s actually doing it for herself (she even says so). But this principle can be applied to many everyday and not so obvious situations.

          Damn, that doesn’t explain her reaction to Stefen after the attack very well… She just might be a nice person, too.
          (Yeah, I’m also usually a friendly person, or does it only look like it…?)

          • NotImportant

            Haha that drawing was requested in the comments, much like the male cast members in magical girl outfits ;D

          • Klorix Camp dweller

            I know, but she looks good as a kindergarten teacher 😉

        • Klorix Camp dweller Reply

          Who would be a good parent…?

          First of all, I believe that having children dramatically changes just about everything. So, ultimately I’d say everyone in the cast could make for a good parent. And a lot depends on their level or readiness. I don’t think any of them are at the moment…

          However, I think that Sofia might be a little overwhelmed if she had a kid. She doesn’t seem to have developed the confidence to tell off a kid who’s doing things it’s not supposed to.

          Laura. Ok, she’s still a bit young to sensibly have kids, but she’s great. She kept herself together in a very stressful situation and even handled Sofia through all of it. She’s not too strict and if you can’t change the world, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. She doesn’t seem to mind household chores and she’s somewhat playful too. I bet she’s good with kids. In my mind, this works out just fine. Maybe more as a big sister, though.

          Nina is actually difficult to tell at the moment.

          As to Ada… wow that’s difficult too, but I’ll just assume it would work out without any specific reason yet.

          No idea either about Filip.

          Kasper would be ok, I think. He does not seem to wish to be super authoritarian even though he is in the military. And as long as they are sensible, some rules are not a bad thing either.

          I think Robert would become a good father. He’s playful enough to not mind children’s nonsense and he can be serious enough to cope with the less enjoyable bits of childcare, he had a responsible job after all.

          As to Adam, I think we need to know way more before any assessment. Especially his motivation for causing the apocalypse might give us a hint.

        • JW Reply

          I think Robert would make a great and fun father. Protective and playful, and he knows how to take responsibility.
          I don’t know enough about Filip to say, yet; I’d hazard to guess he and Nina would be the likeliest to be parents in a few years (had the apocalypse not just happened).
          And Stefen. well he’d just be invisible as a father 😉

      • antrik Reply

        From what we’ve seen so far, I’d say Kasper would win head and shoulders as a potential father. He seems very level-headed and responsible; and on top of that, having a much younger sister, presumably he already has a lot of relevant experience, too.

    • NotImportant Reply

      I think Nina was the least developed character I had in mind when I started this comic. Now, after mulling over her life-story on several occasions, she’s one of my favorites. And I love her plot mmm… ლ(o◡oლ)

      • NiWo21k Reply

        You know, at least for me, it doesnt matter how developed a character is, its how they are introduced or how they react to different things happening and i know how much an writer likes them or not. And i can tell that Nina became one of your favorites, because of the sudden shift of character she made since her first apperances 😉

        • NotImportant Reply

          Actually, she didn’t change much (in my mind) from her first appearance. She just reveals more and more small things, but nothing that could define her clearly, so you guys keep pushing her into roles she doesn’t fit and feel like she’s changing. But I think that’s quite natural. It was the same with Ada – some people assumed she’s a violent person, even now I see jokes that she’d bite or kick when petted, but she never did a thing like that. We’ve only seen her cry from irritation or throw mean glances, not hit people. But she received a tsundere label and all the implications… ¯\_(シ)_/¯ Robert is more prone to being violent but Ada shadowed this trait of his completely (somehow).

          • NiWo21k

            Sometimes its the small things that make such impressions, sometimes its big things – like i said, its only what i saw so far from her – but i cant imagine that her character will change to extreme from what you have shown us so far but lets wait and see – But it doesnt change the fact that its obvious that you like writing her 😉

            About Ada and Robert:
            I think that some see her violent maybe is really just the part that she can quickly get angry (but thats not what i would see as violence) – but for most this could be just enough to see her in this role. And Robert: I think its the same people just go from what they see most of the times from him, and there he isnt really “violent”.

            Yeah like i said, sometimes its just small details that cement a image of a person into your brain. And like i said, the part with Stefen was a very heavy one 😉

            But to be fair:
            This whole story is great in character development, and i think you will surprise us with how the characters will change over the course of their journey 😉

          • NotImportant

            I can only hope to portray them accurately, as they appear in my imagination, and that the story they are telling will be interesting for you 🙂

            I’d say that Ada is rather closed and actively defensive. She’ll snap at you screaming to leave her alone, throw a mean glance. She doesn’t want people close. She should be a snapping turtle, not a fox lol

            And Robert… Robert is a tough cookie ๏◡๏ But yeah, he can be hardly called violent, but he has his moment haha~

          • Klorix Camp dweller

            Yeah, people’s perception is tricky. As everyone of us has experienced different things in life, people will notice many different things and assess each action or behaviour very differently according to what is important to this individual.

            And in addition to that, humans are (supposedly) social animals, we will also be influenced by other people’s opinion. So, somebody said “tsundere”, people did recognise Ada to be defending in an aggressive way and that’s how this picture formed.

            Even though Ada is in principle a very likeable person, I still don’t think it would be a good idea as a stranger to go and pet her. (I do realise that she wouldn’t actually bite me or something. 🙂 ) Close friends (Robert) can get away with it.

            Funnily enough, Sofia is also very insecure, but she doesn’t yell at poeple, not even bothesome soldiers.

          • Klorix Camp dweller

            P.S. Don’t let us influence you too much, NI. You do know the cast better than we do. Even if we put wild assumptions into the comments, we will eventually catch up with their characters.

          • NotImportant

            Haha I know! But it kind of happens on its own too, few more years of listening about Nina being motherly and I’ll actually believe you lol But I’m trying to stick with the story and my vision since I want you guys to discover those characters, it’s more interesting if they are complex and you can’t grasp them right away. I hope I won’t get swayed too much haha~ But it’s interesting to see how different people perceive them.

          • JW

            It was the same with Ada […] But she received a tsundere label and all the implications…

            I think I’ve always said I’ve never considered her a tsundere.
            That or my memory of history has altered.

          • JW

            Robert is more prone to being violent but Ada shadowed this trait of his completely (somehow).

            We still see Robert as a paragon of restraint for not killing, or at least inflicting grave bodily harm on, the pizza-guy for shooting him. 😛

          • NotImportant

            He didn’t restrain himself when submitting his job resignation during a public speech, though 😀 But he was younger back then.

          • JW

            True, but on the other hand that also showed it takes him a loooooong time to realize he’s being exploited. He’s like an elastic band, stretches a long way, and than snaps violently 😛

          • JW

            I still don’t think it would be a good idea as a stranger to go and pet her.

            It’s not really a good idea for people to go around petting strangers in general.
            Reminds me of how I’ve heard pregnant women complain about complete strangers putting their hand on their belly. Like, WTF, you don’t do that with someone you don’t know without their permission. (Nor with someone you do know without their permission, for that matter.)

            I don’t know, maybe it would be abetter world if it was socially acceptable, and encouraged, to go around petting each other. But on the other hand some people are really creepy.

          • Klorix Camp dweller

            Eh, yeah, a complete stranger would be awkward anyway, but even as an acquaintance.
            Dunno, I’m not usually good at explaining things, and often I don’t think things through.

            How do you reckon would Ada have reacted instead of Nina when they found Stefen?

          • JW

            With more personal distance.
            I think she’d have found it incredibly awkward (though allowing it) if he’d clung to her crying.

          • antrik

            I wonder, did Ada receive her “Tsundere” label *before* you put it out there yourself?…

            I think part of the perception might also be related to her demeanour during the sword practice?

            Perhaps most importantly though, I think it’s pretty normal to associate someone prone to violent vocal outbursts with physical violence as well…

          • NotImportant

            @antrik Yes, she got the label first, I didn’t think about her like that. But it doesn’t matter haha, I suppose in some fraction she IS a tsundere. Or was.

        • NotImportant Reply

          Kasper is sketched out as well and her expression is even better haha. Those two aren’t handling it too well~

          • Klorix Camp dweller

            Hahha, magical Kasper 🙂

            I bet Robert will just own his costume.

          • NiWo21k

            I think Kasper is stilll the one who at least looks not that bad in the sketch version (ok minus the bow in his hair) but when the colours are added it will get even more embarrassing 😀

  12. SotiCoto Reply

    You did a video of you drawing Renate being dead?
    Are you proud of that or something?
    You’d better be bringing her back. Her continuing non-aliveness is impermissible.
    You do realise that you’re currently running on a Meganekko Density of 0, right? ZERO. NOTHING. NADA. It is the only measure of quality that matters in a work of fiction, and until either Sofia regains her college look or Renate gets resurrected (or a new character gets introduced), this comic is running on the lowest score it is possible to have…

    … which is sad. Yes. Very sad. =(

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