Practice target
Hey guys! I’m back from vacation and reached Tokyo today after 24 hours of travel! We had an amazing time in Malaysia/Singapore/Thailand but I’m also happy to be back. Here’s the next two pages if you’d like to support me and Replay on Patreon:
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Yes, I’ve been drawing those while on vacation. Yes, it was very hard to draw instead of playing with the sand and snorkeling but that’s just how much I love you guys~
Also… we got a table for the winter Comiket so we’ll be trying very hard to finish the first route of the Historia VN project to launch it on 31st December! That means I’ve got a ton of drawings to do hahahahah… The list of missing assets is long but my fiance promised to take my part of the cooking and cleaning duty if I want to try to hit so cross your fingers guys, I’ll be trying to do the impossible and actually finish this on time. We’ll see how that goes.
And now let me throw my tired body onto my beloved futon and lose consciousness until tomorrow when I’ll need to figure out what I missed when I wasn’t in the office.
Oh, btw, I’ll be updating the CAST page and changing some relationships. I plan to do that after each chapter! So take a screenshot if you want to keep the old one!
Also, please vote for Replay on TopWebComcs! ; _ ; Incentive has been updated and it’s a sketch of the next page so go ahead and take a peek!
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