Missing companion

We all know what he is searching for, don’t we? That page took a lot of time, in fact, all pages in this sequence did. But I wouldn’t have it any other way as it’s an important moment for Stefen and tried extra hard to convey the mood. I hope it’s working..!

From news from my life: I’m already in Tokyo! The apartment which we rented is very nice but it’s so cold here! In Poland central heating is pretty much a given so I’m kind of spoiled by my upbringing, here you mostly heat your house with air conditioners but we only have one in one room argh! I’ll be waiting for the spring very impatiently this year…
If you are curious about my travels and how living in Tokyo looks/feels like – I’ve set up an Instagram account. Go ahead and follow me if you want to be spammed with photos of delicious foods and lovely places!


If you wish to see what Stefen finds in the end… Well, consider supporting Replay, the next page is already on the Patreon! I’ll try to add some more extra comics this week too, since it’s supposed to be less busy than the last one but no promises – the jet lag is strong this time =_=

And!!! I have received a video-review of Replay! See if you agree, watch other reviews, comment… anyhow, take a look! Short Comic Introduction – Replay (NotImportant) ლ(╹◡╹ლ)

53 comments on “Missing companion”

    • NotImportant Reply

      His favorite thinking cap is a “what”, right? That’s what we are all thinking about, right? ๏◡๏

      • Zero Reply

        What can I say? Some small part of me hopes Stefen’s looking for his attractive assistant.

      • Speedy Reply

        I can’t believe everyone missed the obvious answer! He’s searching for his cancer sticks. He hasn’t had a nicotine fix for hours!

  1. NiWo21k Reply

    Great to here to flight went well (i just asume because there are no scary posts in this regard 😉 ) and that your next live chapter begins. Hope it goes the way you imagine it to be.

    And i can relate with your “cold appartment” – we had a gas heating system in our house that we got rid off – at the moment we only use electric heaters (and they are not the best solutione in many ways) just to get some heat in the rooms -.- So yeah i hope that there will be a solution for you very soon (apart from waiting that the tempature raises 🙂 ).

    And thank you for posting my video – i hope it isnt that bad 😉

    And one thing about the panel in the middle – i dont know why i missed it the whole last week on patreon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8yGfQak-q9M
    Sorry had to do this. But i wont spoil the next page – lets just say its one of your best pages to date and these last two pages confirm everything i said in my small video.

    • NotImportant Reply

      It went ok, thank you! But Lufthansa did damage my cases (I had two and they damaged both of them, ugh!) so I guess that means I’m not coming back lol

      And glad you like the page! It’s so rewarding when I try extra hard and someone notices and praises the page or panel, it always makes me happy.

      • NiWo21k Reply

        Damaged Cases seem to be a theme at the moment by Lufthansa – My father had his damaged by them when he flew with them in december…
        But if it helps you to stay there then maybe send them a thank you note 😀

        And you deserve every praise you get – especially for the next page 😉
        No i dont spoil it here, so “Don´t Panic”.

  2. JW Reply

    Obviously, for your heating problem, you need a kotatsu. How else will you get the complete Japanese experience?

  3. Crestlinger Reply

    Looking for: glasses, notes, tapestry of apparent summoning, assistant, shotgun and other stuff to throw in that bird’s general direction (closet Ornithophobic)

  4. Ktrimbach Reply

    So is NI setting us up by not having given Stefen’s nameless assistant a name (meaning she wasn’t going to be ariund long enough to matter)?
    Or is she really gone? Either way it’s a great set-up. Way to tug on those heartstring,s NI.

  5. Klorix Camp dweller Reply

    I’ll just add my praise to everybody else’s.
    Your can be proud of your artwork. It’s fantastic. I don’t think I can take in all the details, at least not without staring at your pictures for a very long time.
    On the other hand, we already agreed that you are very passionate about your… hobby, for lack of a better word.

    • NotImportant Reply

      It’s a hobby, I think. And I’m very happy to hear that you enjoy. I often wonder if I should try to improve it in any way, there are many art styles I like and artists I admire, I’m never sure if Replay is “good enough” already or if I should change something.
      And I like adding a lot of details because that makes the experience more individual – everyone notices something else 😀

      • Klorix Camp dweller Reply

        I am not an expert by any means but let me assure you: IT IS “good enough”. Thinking about it, the level of your artwork reminds me of some comics my mom had (for example The Quest for the Time-Bird). It was also very detailed and atmospheric. So, you’re in good company. By the way, if you ever think of publishing a printed version, I feel very inclined to get it.

        As to art styles, I do also enjoy other comics with different, sometimes simpler style, but not every style suits every purpose. For the epic story you have started telling, this looks very suitable to me. I for one, am totally ok with one page every week, make it two weeks if you need, because I love its looks. I feel like it’s a treat that I will be happy to savour whenever it comes my way.

        Of course, as it’s your comic – and I think most of your readers would agree –, the most important thing is that you enjoy drawing it. And if you wish to experiment with other styles, you should absolutely do it. We wouldn’t want this to become a chore to you, because I am sure that the love you pour into it does show. But I am a little bit torn between supporting your wish to try different things and my love for the current art.

        If you want to experiment with other art styles, maybe do a side story, or another story altogether? Whatever your decision, in my opinion, you should press pause whenever you feel the need. Because you don’t owe us anything (apart maybe those thirty-something patrons, which I’d like to become one at some point). However, I (egoistically) wish you don’t feel tired of it already and that we will have many pages to look forward to 🙂

        • NotImportant Reply

          I do get tired from time to time but a quick trip to Akiba quickly makes me feel all hyped for drawing and experimenting haha~ Right now I’m really motivated, there’s been lots of new readers and new comments lately, small stuff like this really keeps the artist happy <3
          And glad you like the art so much! I like to keep it consistent (with print in mind) but I do experiment a lot with illustrations. In the comics I'm trying to add changes sloooowwwlllyyyy so that it doesn't show too much if I change something ;D

          • Klorix Camp dweller

            🙂 Yes, it already does look different (better) than the first pages in direct comparison (not talking about Ada’s ears here 😉 ), but I couldn’t make out a clear cut.

            Also glad to hear you found a place to draw energy from.

            See you on later pages!

      • antrik Reply

        @NotImportant since you asked…

        Your backgrounds in particular are consistently gorgeous. Every single one is like a painting. At times it’s hard to believe that some parts aren’t actually photos… There is absolutely no competition among any other comics I know.

        (Only recently I discovered another comic that I’d say might at least figure on the horizon in terms of backgrounds — though it still tends to look quite simplistic in comparison: https://cloud-maker-comic.deviantart.com/gallery/62868925/TCM-2-Pages )

        Your characters are very pretty too. To be honest, personally I prefer somewhat more consistent, natural faces rather than strongly exaggerated grimaces… But that’s probably just me — and the vast majority of time it looks good anyway 🙂

        Regarding evolution of art style, I guess that applies only to the characters, since your backgrounds have been pretty much perfect from the beginning 🙂

        So… I have to admit that I’m somewhat ambivalent about the changes in the characters. There is no question that the recent art looks more polished — but I’m not sure I actually find the style more attractive…

        I can’t even explain it very well. The characters generally look very cute and pretty now — but somehow, I find it harder to see them as actual people. That’s not necessarily bad in itself: there is no obligation for comic characters to look like someone I would want to take on a date… However, it always feels like somewhat of a regression, when I actually found them more attractive before. (Looking at you, Ada.)

        Not sure that’s a reason for concern, though. These shifts are quite normal when authors evolve their style. (And often they are just temporary, before settling on another style that can be even more attractive…) Also, it’s mostly a matter of taste I guess?

        • NotImportant Reply

          Thank you so much! Backgrounds are easier for me because I’ve been painting in realistic style for quite a while now. So yeah, little paintings! Characters and anime/cartoon style is something new, so I experiment a lot, learn new things… I’m still not 100% happy with how the comic looks like but if I were, I’d probably be too bored to continue. If possible, I’d like to keep polishing my art and growing until this thing is done (so for many many years to come), even if it makes the comic artistically inconsistent haha~
          And yeah, art is always subjective! I’d only we worried if I did something that people can no longer look at without grimacing.

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