UPDATE: This page was adjusted in 2019! You can still see the old version HERE 😉
Do you know such people? That spending time together made you think alike, say same stuff at the same time, react the same way? Well, those two are that way. Too much time together. So different, yet similar in those little things.
We are doing good! Much higher on topwebcomics this month, thanks! But that doesn’t mean you can get lazy now, February has just started so please keep voting! I didn’t have time to start any new drawing since I am pretty much buried under commissions right now, deadlines are approaching, my knees shaking, so the only thing you can see as a vote incentive for now are some process shots of the last illustration.
But I’ve posted first design for Ada’s clothes on facebook fanpage so if you want to check it out and voice you opinion do drop by! I will try to post more sketches because why not, right? I’ve always been bad at designing clothes so I need some practice anyway. [Facebook fanpage]
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