The sadist
This would be too easy if it ended on the last page, right?
No wonder he’s a little weird, hehe.
Anyway, I hope you guys can take a little bit more of the drama. From other news, life’s too fast, work’s crazy, I’m flying to Singapore with my fiance next weekend (so update might be on a different our I suppose?), my apartment finally feels like home (no more boxes!) and I’m kind of tired. I want to sleep. For a week, preferably.
And to confirm, yes, I’m working with Four Leaf Studio, it’s awesome, we’re slow but steady and I can’t really share anything at this point haha. We aim to have some preview ready for summer Comiket so I might be able to share a little bit then? We’ll see. I hope that’s as exciting for you as it is for me haha~
See you next week from Singapore! I’ve never been there so I’m a bit excited~!
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