No nonsense

I don’t like small talk either, and Ada clearly doesn’t watch enough anime – a waterfall is absolutely necessary.

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Hey everyone! We had some rain while we were on Jeju so I had time (and means – the hotel room actually had a decent desk-thingy) to draw the next page without any problems! Not even a hurting shoulder! All in all, the trip was pretty great. I saw new things, climbed the highest mountain in South Korea, visited a dozen different cafes, gathered some inspiration for new books, and generally enjoyed myself. The last 3 days were rainy, enough to cause landslides and cancelled flights, but we were lucky enough to have zero problems returning to Tokyo.

What’s new. I finished reading A Little Hatred and DAMN I liked this book a lot. I’m going to read the second volume and that is quite rare indeed. I really recommend to all fans of fantasy and/or good writing. I read the second half pretty much in one seating. I’ll probably pick some non-fiction next, to savor the taste. As for my own writing, I finished the first pass of the untitled story I’ve been working on recently and sent it to the most ruthless beta-reader I have. We’ll see. My fourth book. I think I’m improving, but compared to the author of A Little Hatred I’m still nothing hahaha I need to read more great books like this. And maybe do more workshops. The one I’m currently doing is pretty great, I feel like I’m learning new tricks. (If you’re interested, it’s “Science Fiction & Fantasy Writing II” from Gotham Writers).

I also watched the Chainsaw Man anime and hmmm…. I liked the opening song the most of all hahahah The show is well made for sure, and I like the world and had fun binge-watching that (compared to the new Bleach which I just cannot) but the main character is driving me nuts. Maybe I’m just getting old. I appreciate that there are no silly “falling right on her chest” jokes and the entire puberty thing is handled without falling into too many cliches, but the main guy is still hella annoying. If you watched it, you know what I mean. I also heard that Oshi No Ko is super popular? The premise of that show is so bizarre that I’m not sure what to think lol

4 comments on “No nonsense”

  1. Refugnic Reply

    ‘Now, is that all?’, asks pretty boy.
    He does not falter, or play coy.
    I now must focus on this thing.
    And see the fruits this chore will bring.

    Gee, I see, I did forget.
    You truly are annoying.
    Go, do you thing, keep being wet.
    Your cold, you’ll be enjoying.

    ‘Hey, Filip,’ she pleads her case.
    a final turn, a face to face.
    An em’rald eye, wide open now.
    ‘Please don’t end as demon chow.’

    I won’t die now, do you know why?
    No tell me, if you’d please.
    The dead can’t fight, the dead can’t fly.
    This cold won’t make me freeze.

  2. Regis Earsquake Reply

    Oshi No Ko is amazing. I know it’s a commitment since the first episode is movie length, but I’d reccomend to just watch the first episode without reading much about it. No synopsis can really explain what it is about.

  3. Alex Reply

    Don’t worry, Filip. With that attitude you won’t get laid ever again.

    Ok well I don’t actually believe that, but I wish it were true.

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